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"Sicheng, I can't move in with you."

"You're not moving in, you're just staying over for a few weeks."

"Am I being put on suicide watch?" yuta snickered.

"You're an adult. You're not in school and you don't work, why can't you come stay with me?" sicheng pressed further.

Yuta sighed and began to pack.


"You have 6 roommates?" Yuta asked as they approached the house sicheng shared with his friends.

Sicheng nodded and giggled. "I mentioned to kun that you're gonna be staying over for a while."

The pair arrived at the house. It was quite big in yutas opinion, but after all seven people did live here.

Sicheng stuck his key into the door, allowing yuta and himself to enter.

Kun introduced himself and welcomed them into the house.

"If you think ten is a handful, just wait until you meet yangyang- those two together are a mess." sicheng whispered to yuta.

Yuta, sicheng and kun sat on a long couch in the lounge room. The other four soon accompanied them.

"If yuta's moving in, can johnny move in too?" ten whined.

"No." everyone said in unison.

"Everyone meet yuta. Yuta meet xiaojun, yangyang, lucas and hendery." sicheng pointed to each male as he said their name. They all introduced themselves, sicheng knew yuta wasn't very social but he figured it would be uncomfortable to live amongst people you don't know or speak to.

After ten minutes of speaking with the others, sicheng excused himself and dragged yuta off to his new shared room.

Sicheng closed the door behind the two of them. "This is your room for the next few weeks."

Sichengs bedroom was huge. A nice full sized bed stood in the middle, the windows draped in white curtains and a decent sized television mounted against the wall. His walk in closet was neatly organized, his entire room was organized.

Sicheng took yutas bag and placed it in the closet.

"You're probably tired, you can shower then we can get ready for bed." sicheng suggested.

Yuta sat himself on the bed and sighed. "Can't I shower in the morning?"

Sicheng gathered a pair of sweatpants and plain white shirt to sleep in and turned back to yuta. "Fine, have you told your family about staying over?" he questioned.

"I'll call them." yuta took his shirt and sweatpants off, snuggling into sichengs bed.

"You're going to sleep like that?" sicheng raised an eyebrow awkwardly. Yuta nodded and opened his arms, welcoming sicheng in for a hug. Sicheng hesitated but joined him nonetheless.

Sicheng buried his face into yutas chest, yuta playing with the youngers hair.

"Thank you." yuta whispered.

"For what?"


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