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Almost immediately after shotaro entered the home, he locked his arms around yuta. Yuta didn't even have time to realize who it was before he was practically being suffocated.

Shotaro refused to let go of the older. It wasn't until johnny removed his hold on yuta that he stopped. The others cooed at the exchange between the two.

It was sichengs idea to have yutas brothers visit him. Sicheng knew yuta was having a rather hard time with having to go back to therapy, but both knew it would be beneficial. He also knew that yuta missed his family but would never take the first initiative to see them. Or anyone for that matter.

"Why are you guys here?" yuta asked once he finally caught his breath.

"Your boyfriend invited us over." shotaro smiled, like a giddy child.

"Boyfriend?" yuta questioned further.

"Sicheng." johnny confirmed yutas suspicions.

Yuta glanced over at the mentioned male, he was standing in the kitchen alongside ten and kun. Sicheng turned around, feeling a pair of eyes on him. He smiled at yuta and continued on with his conversation.

Yuta had practically fallen in love on the spot.

"How've you been feeling?" johnny nudged yutas shoulder with his own. As much as he'd like to deny it, johnny cared for both of his younger brothers dearly. It was killing him and shotaro inside not being able to see yuta everyday, but they knew a change of environment was best for him.

Seeing yuta here was nice for them. Their brother looked a bit more hopeful, despite his usual efforts. He looked like he was willing to work harder to create a better version of himself.

Johnny had already guessed who caused this new burst of motivation in yuta.

Yuta scratched the back of his neck awkwardly. "Things have been better than usual. I've started going to therapy again."

"That's good." shotaro patted yutas back in a comforting manner.

"What about meds? have you been given any?" johnny questioned.

"I was prescribed meds, I've been taking them." he rolled his eyes at his older brothers protective nature. "I've been thinking of re-enrolling into school actually." yuta announced.

"Do you think you can handle that? there's no rush, y'know. You don't have to do all these things just to make mom and dad proud. Especially if you can't juggle them all at once." a worried expression seeped into johnnys features.

"I never said I was going to, i've just been thinking. Even if I were to go back to school, I'd be doing it online."

"I'm already proud of you, yuta." shotaro smiled warmly at his older brother, earning a hug from yuta.

"Now, lets talk about what everyone actually cares about." johnny started, yuta furrowed his eyebrows. "You and sicheng, what's going on there?"

"Nothing re-"

"You moved in with him."

"I didn't move in with him! I just decided to live in the same house as him for an extended period of time." yuta explained, johnny smacking the back of his head casually.

Yuta rubbed the back of his neck as he spared johnny a disdainful look.

"That's literally what moving in with someone is. I saw the way you two looked at each other just now."

"What? We were just looki-"

"Sicheng!" shotaro interrupted the pair's bickering, gesturing for sicheng to come over.

"What's it like living with yuta?" shotaro questioned once sicheng had finally reached them.

"He's a great rommate, my favorite actually. Don't tell ten I said that, or yukhei for that matter." sicheng whispered the last part for only them to hear.

"Where does he sleep?" johnny asked suspiciously, yuta groaned internally.

"In my bed, with me."

The three brothers shared a knowing look, yuta threw his head into a pillow. Sicheng knew that they were most likely asking him these questions for a reason, so he played along. Yuta looked like he was in for a lifetime of teasing.

"Thank you, sicheng!" shotaro giggled as his brothers true feelings were exposed.

Sicheng smiled at the three males and made his way back to the kitchen, not without shooting yuta a wink before he left.

"I saw that." johnny stated, yuta glared at him.

"Taro, what was the purpose of that?" yuta squinted at the younger boy.

"You sleep in the same bed as him before you've even gotten into a relationship, way to go!" johnny applauded.

"I'm not talking about this with you!" yuta whisper-shouted.

"He's flustered." shotaro nugded johnnys shoulder with his own, to which johnny simply nodded in agreement.

Yuta watched the exchange. Instead of denying any further claims, he stood up and excused himself to the bedroom. His siblings laughing at his flustered state in the distance.

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