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"Sicheng, you can't stay here forever! You have to go home at some point."

"Do I?"

Yuta nodded.

Sicheng had spent three days at the nakamoto residence. At first he'd been taking care of yuta, but as time passed he just didn't feel like going home. There was nothing wrong with where he lived or who he lived with, he was just lazy. With sicheng here, ten didn't feel the need to leave either. His best friend and boyfriend in one place? What more could he ask for?

"I'm an adult, I can take care of myself." he grinned before continuing, "If you leave, ten will leave too."

Sicheng squinted his eyes at the older male, "Are you trying to get rid of me or ten?"


"Fine, but i'll check up on you later." sicheng huffed, waving goodbye at him as he stepped out the door. Soon after, ten followed sicheng.

Yuta and sicheng had gotten quite comfortable amongst each other in the past few days. Yuta might've even considered sicheng a friend.

The two shared yutas bed each night and even cuddled. It wasn't intentionally but neither complained.

Back at home, sicheng and ten were drinking tea with the rest of their roommates. The seven males were close after all.

"Ten, i'm simply going to assume you were with johnny for the past few days. Sicheng, where've you been?" kun questioned suspiciously.

"I was with johnny as well..." sicheng said, he wasn't exactly lying.

"He was with johnnys younger brother, yuta." ten wiggled his eyebrows. He knew that ten would have exposed the truth, he just hoped that he wouldn't.

"Ah, i've heard you speak about him a few times, the sick one right?" their friend, yangyang, asked.

Sicheng glared at ten whilst punching his arm, ten raised his arms in surrender.

"Ten! You can't go around telling everyone about someone's illness, whether it be mentally or physically!"

"He's right, but we're not here to judge. What we speak about stays between us." Kun pointed to all six of them to which they nodded.

Hendery flopped down onto a couch, laying his head in tens lap. "Why did you spend the entire weekend with him?"

"They were 'aggressively having sex' as I remember." ten giggled, sicheng threw his head into the nearest pillow and groaned.

Lucas, xiaojun and hendery began to yell and tease at sicheng. After ten minutes of teasing and being scolded by kun, the two finally calmed down. "We didn't actually do it! He just wanted to be left alone so I lied." sicheng grimaced with red cheeks.

"They cuddled every night." ten grinned.

More teasing.

"Sicheng, do you think you should be getting romantically involved with someone that has an illness like depression?" Kun questioned seriously once the banter had calmed down. "If things don't turn out right for you two, it could take a serious toll on the both of you."

"Kun, it's fine. We're not romantically involved and I wouldn't get involved with him at all if I wasn't aware. Something as simple as a friend could save a life, y'know?" Sicheng explained, leaving no room for argument.

"Do we get to meet him?" yangyang bounced in his seat like a child.

"No." sicheng, kun and ten said in unison.

The others laughed and welcomed the two back home properly.

Sicheng hadn't thought much about being romantically involved with yuta. Sure, he was a great guy with an equally great personality. He was awfully attractive despite his unkept appearance. God, did sicheng love cuddling him.

Either sicheng was extremely touch starved or he was starting to develop a liking for yuta.

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