542 39 10

trigger warning: domestic abuse.

Prior to the two being romantically involved, they'd always cuddled each other to sleep. It had gotten to the point where the both of them couldn't sleep unless they were in each others arms. Their two cold bodies pressed against each other, craving each other's heat.

This night was different. Sicheng was fast asleep in yutas arms but something was preventing yuta from falling asleep, he just didn't know what.

It was a little past three in the morning when sicheng began to stir in his sleep. His body was drenched in sweat and his body continued to wiggle around as he was unconscious. Yuta pressed his hand up to sichengs forehead to check if the chinese male was fine. His forehead was scorching, this made yuta worry.

He didn't want to wake his sleeping beauty, but he couldn't allow his temperature to get worse. Yuta wiggled himself out of bed and rushed out of the room, knocking on the bedroom doors of ten and kun.

Having both of their rooms across from each others, both males opened the doors at the same time. Kun stifled a yawn as he raised an expectant eyebrow at yuta. Ten rubbed his eyes and ruffled his scruffy hair. Tens eyes widened upon seeing yutas attire that held nothing but his boxers. "As much as I adore you, threesomes aren't rea-"

"Ten, I am begging you to not finish that sentence." Kun cut him off and waited for yuta to speak.

"I'm not sure which of you is closest to sicheng, but something's wrong." yuta explained and ran a stressed hand through his overgrown hair. Tens expression expeditiously turned serious once hearing the worry in the japanese males tone. Yuta instructed the others to follow him back to his room, which they did.

Sicheng still stirring in his sleep, was now practically laying in a puddle of his own sleep. He was mumbling incoherent words that none of the three could decipher. Two of the three males sprung into action once they saw sichengs state. "He's panicking, it happens every now and then when he's sleeping." Kun explained to yuta, who was practically glued to his spot on the floor across from the bed his lover laid in.

Ten sighed at yutas confused expression as he spread a damp towel across the sleeping males face. "His brother, renjun, or his entire family really, went through something quite traumatic. In result, causing his occasional night terrors."

Yuta went from confused to worried in the split of a second. Rushing over to his lovers side, yuta practically shoved the other two out of the way. He swiped the damp towel across sichengs face and begun to gently shake him awake.

Sichengs eyes was a mixture of confusion and fright. Everything in front of him was a big and blurred, he frantically rubbed his eyes to get them to focus. Once his eyes settled on the older, as if his arms had a brain of their own, sicheng threw himself into his boyfriends arms. He held onto yuta like his life depended on it. In sichengs opinion, his life did depend on it.

Despite sichengs panicked state, the other two males in the room cooed at their friends immediate response to fear; find yuta.

Yuta climbed back into bed and cradled his boyfriend back to sleep, whispering small reassuring words into his ear to calm  him. Once yuta was sure sicheng was back to sleep, peacefully he hoped, yuta turned to the two boys whisper-yelling back and forth at the end of their bed.

"Explain." he said bluntly, kun and ten ended their conversation and turned to yuta with furrowed eyebrows. "His brother?" he gestured towards the boy in his arms.

Kun and Ten shared sneak glances at each other, as if they were having a conversation through their eyes. Ten sighed once again. "Renjun was adopted. His biological parents were abusive drug addicts. Now you're wondering 'what does this have to do with sicheng?' well, after a few yours of being adopted his mother tried to get back in contact with him. His family thought it was suspicious but after she proved herself stable enough, they allowed supervised visits. Supervised by sicheng. He was a teenager then and he thought he could handle it. It's not like they forced renjun to see his mother. Renjun is the sweetest boy ever, he convinced himself that his biological parents' abusive behavior was a result of the drugs. Anyways, during those supervised visits, renjuns mother would lock sicheng in a nearby room and beat renjun to a pulp. She threatened to 'ruin their lives' if they ever told anybody." tens story was interrupted by a scoff from kun, "As if she hadn't already."

Ten scolded the male beside him for cutting him off before continuing. "It wasn't until a few weeks after the visits began that sichengs parents grew suspicious of the woman. They came home early on one of her visits saw her beating their son and heard screams coming from sicheng in a nearby room. Anyways, the lady is in prison now but sicheng always blames himself for allowing the woman to trap him in that room. He was a scared teenage boy that thought he'd make the situation worse if he didn't just oblige with her insanity. Renjun goes to therapy now but he doesn't blame sicheng, it was a 'lose-lose' situation as he'd put it." ten had finally finished the story.

"This explains why he's so dedicated to being there for you, he loves you and with love comes fear. He doesn't want anything of the sort to happen to you." kun added on.

"That's why he immediately left town when he heard renjun had gotten into an accident." yuta said aloud, more to himself than the others but they nodded nonetheless.

Yuta loved the boy lying next to him even more after hearing his backstory. Yuta knew the boy shouldn't blame himself for anything that took place. After all, he was a scared teenage boy left alone with a deranged woman.

It was now approaching six in the morning when ten and kun decided they'd better head back to their own rooms. "Just- please don't cause him anymore unnecessary pain, and don't mention this conversation to him at all." Kun ordered before finally leaving the room.

Yuta placed a chaste kiss onto a sleeping sichengs forehead. "I won't." he whispered to himself.

Yuta didn't sleep at all. He laid awake, watching sichengs every move to insure nothing happened to his love.

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