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Sicheng skipped class to help yuta move their things into their new place, he knew he'd have to make up the missing work later but he couldn't care less. They had sent the others their new address, along with johnny and shotaro, to properly announce their move.

Yuta also had another surprise to announce.

All of the males were enjoying themselves in yuta and sicheng's new lounge room. Everyone was drinking, except for shotaro and yuta. Yuta wasn't permitted to drink while on medication, but he didn't need to drink to enjoy himself.

Shotaro had even introduced his new friend, sungchan, but yuta was pretty sure they had a thing for each other.

Their family and friends were all enjoying themselves when they heard a knock on the door. "Sicheng, go answer the door." yuta instructed and pushed his lover towards the door. He knew exactly who it was.

Sicheng glanced around the room at all their friends before hesitantly opening the door, no one knew about the surprise but yuta.

"H-hello?" sicheng said but his eyes widened when he saw who it was. His eyes sparkled as he rushed into the arms of his younger brother, renjun. "I can't bre—"

"I missed you!" he then let go and pinched the younger boy's cheeks. His parents, that stood on each side of their sons, exchanged knowing looks and hugged the both of their kids. Unfortunately, their moment was ruined by ten joining in on their family hug. As much as they'd love to be annoyed by ten and his antics, they loved the boy like their own.

"I missed my third family!" ten exclaimed, pinching renjun's cheeks as well. "Third?" sichengs parents asked in unison. Ten simply nodded, "My own family, of course, johnny's family and then yours!" he started jumping up and down as he finished speaking.

Sicheng ignored him and turned back to his parents. "What are you doing here?"

"Well, your boyfriend over there," his mom pointed towards yuta who'd been secretly watching the entire interaction with johnny, "He invited us. He paid for our plane tickets and our hotel!"

Sichengs eyes begun to swell. He was too happy to contain it anymore. He slowly made his way back over to yuta, his family filing into the apartment as well. Johnny decided to let the two speak alone and left to go talk to ten. "Yuta?" sicheng spoke quietly, tears falling from his eyes.

Yuta hummed in response, he was quite nervous on how sicheng would react to the surprise. He saw how sichengs eyes lit up at the door when he saw them but he didn't actually know if the conversation went well or not. "You d-did this," he pointed towards his family. "for m-me?" he stuttered.

Yuta nodded hesitantly. The japanese male flinched as he felt sichengs warm body attached to his own, his tear stained cheeks soaking yutas torso. Almost as if it was an instinct, yuta hugged the younger back. Sicheng sobbed harder, yuta worriedly pulled back and lifted the boy's head by his chin. "Are you okay?" yuta questioned, wiping the boy's tears.

Sicheng nodded frantically, wiping the last of his tears before speaking. "I'm so happy I met you, you're the love of my life yuta nakamoto."

Yuta chuckled and pulled the boy in for one last hug, kissing his forehead in the process. "I love you so much, sicheng. Go talk to your family now, they're only here for a week!" he pushed the boy towards his parents, they looked like they were having a deep conversation with ten and kun.

Sicheng gave him one last smile before leaving to converse with his family.

"Whipped." johnny whispered in yuta's ear, earning a hard smack on the shoulder.

Sicheng and yuta enjoyed the rest of their night, drinking and just having fun with their family and friends. Yuta would've never thought that this amazing person would've changed his life so much but he was extremely grateful. He'd do anything just to make sicheng happy, and vice versa. He definitely saw a future with the chinese boy, a future he couldn't wait to see. Sicheng felt the exact same way.

They loved each other and hoped for it to stay that way forever.

that's the end of this book, i really enjoyed writing it and i hoped the readers enjoyed it too! I love you all for all of the reads and the votes, thank you!

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