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Sicheng ended up sleeping over.

It was now early in the morning, sicheng was wrapped in yutas arms. Yuta was already awake, softly playing with sichengs hair. He looked like he was in his own little world.

"How long have you been up?" sicheng yawned whilst he sat up. Yuta blinked, turning his attention away from his thoughts and to sicheng.

Yuta shrugged, "A few minutes."

Before sicheng could respond, the door slowly creaked open. Shotaro peaked in softly but ten opened it fully, johnny beside him.

"Did you guys fuck?" Ten squealed. Sicheng threw his head in a pillow as yuta groaned.

"No! Why are you still here? Do you ever go home?" Yuta grimaced. Ten shook his head and flopped onto yutas bed, shotaro and johnny sat beside him.

"How are you feeling?" shotaro questioned worriedly. He knew that yuta wouldn't magically be cured of depression but he looked a little more at peace today.

"Better." yuta hummed, still playing in sichengs hair.

Sicheng sat up so he was closer to yuta. "Are you sure? It's okay to not be okay." he whispered so only yuta could hear, yuta nodded.

"If I had known that all it would've taken to get you feeling a bit better was a boyfriend, I would've set you up months ago." Johnny and ten began to giggle. Sicheng began to blush furiously, yuta smacked the two of them with a pillow. "He's not my boyfriend."

"Really? You look really comfortable." Shotaro gestured towards yutas hand in sichengs hair. Yuta quickly retracted his hand and tackled shotaro. The pair began to tussle while johnny and ten cheered them on. Sicheng began to smile at the boy fighting with his younger brother.

Although him and yuta had only met a few weeks ago, he felt the urge to be close with him. He didn't know much about yuta or the depth of his problems, but he was open to finding out. After all, you wouldn't allow someone to see you in such a horrible state if you weren't special to them.

Yuta stood up, playfully shoving shotaro away from him. "C'mon, I'm starving."


The five males decided to enjoy their morning together by having breakfast. Well to yuta, ten just didn't want to go to his own home and johnny loved being around ten, shotaro stuck around just for the food.

As they ate, the group engaged in slight conversation. Yuta was silent. Not that he didn't enjoy the company he had, it was just becoming slightly overwhelming. After yuta finished eating he went straight for his room, leaving his dirty dishes unattended to. Sicheng noticed the presence beside him suddenly vanish so he followed after him.

Sicheng walked into yutas room, seeing yuta sprawled out on his back simply staring at the ceiling. Sicheng laid beside him silently.

"They just know I have depression, they're not aware of how much it affects me, socially as well." yuta spoke up after moments of silence.

"Would it help if we all left you alone for the day?"

"Not you, just them."

Sicheng turned to face yuta, yuta doing so as well. Upon seeing sicheng, yuta smiled genuinely.

Sicheng stood up from the bed and swung the door open, "Me and yuta are going to aggressively have sex for the rest of the day so don't interrupt us!" sicheng screamed out before slamming the door shut and locking it.

The pair laughed, sicheng sat down on the bed once again. "Are we really?" yuta raised an eyebrow.

"You wish."

"I do wish."

Yuta pulled sicheng into his arms as they both shared a fit of giggles. Sichengs cheeks flushed, he was laying on the older male with his arms wrapped around him. "Thank you." yuta whispered. Sicheng looked at him with a confused expression.

"For spending time with me... despite my situation."

"You're still yuta, yes you have an illness that takes over every aspect of your life but under that illness, you're still the yuta that everyone loves." sicheng explained, a blush spreading across his cheeks as he finished his statement.

Yuta hugged him tight, like he never wanted sicheng to leave. Which he didn't. He hadn't had a friend in years.

"Let's watch a movie?" sicheng muffled into yutas shirt, yuta was still hugging him.


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