Quirk Assessment Test

601 19 14

Dean: Ok, I know this is a X reader and not a X oc. But there are only two things I'm personalizing about the reader or yourself.

Glasses and two different eye colors (Ideally blue and green).

Glasses just for cute detail and eye color because I think the reader has their eye color and Vic's eye color.

And, sorry if the updates take so long. I have to think about what to write, and I can only do this in my spare time.

Ok, that's all I have! To the story.

'Meant to be' was blasting on my alarm clock. I shot my eyes open and smiled.

I rushed into the bathroom, few doors down and took a quick shower. Blow dried my hair, brushed my teeth and hair. I was getting all jumpy. I looked in the mirror above the sink and took a deep breath to calm down.

"What are you doing up?" My dad asked, pulling me into him and rubbing his knuckles into my head.

"School, that's what. I'm leaving. Tell mom I love her!" I said pushing away from him. I started for the door.

"Tell me if you pass." He said before I left. I shook my head and shut the door behind me.

I took my time getting to UA. I mean school is school.

I chewed my lip walking under UA's gate. To be honest I'm nervous.

When I walked into class 1-A's door, I saw Midoriya beginning held up in the air. The boy holding him look at me. Then I realized the whole class was looking at me.

The blonde, holding Midoriya put Midoriya down and walked back to his seat. I followed the blonde and sat in front of him.

It was either that seat, or one in the back. I thought Midoriya would be better off not in front of a jerk

"Hello." A blonde, straighten hair boy front of me said, turning in his seat. Besides him, and Midoriya talking to the girl he saved, everyone was quiet.

"Hi." I said, I held out my hand for him to shake it. He took it and smiled. "I'm Y/N."

"Yuga Aoyama. Or your boyfriend." Yuga said with a wide smile.

I was about to answer him when a voice called out. "If your here to talk, then get out."

A pale man with greasy, black hair started to stand up behind Midoriya and the girl he was talking to.

"Who are you?" The girl with Midoriya asks. They were making there way to their seats.

"Aizawa, your home room teacher." The black haired man said. "Today we'll be doing a quirk assessment test."

"I thought we were doing a welcoming ceremony!" The girl that was sitting near Midoriya said. She didn't look to happy.

"UA is known for it free range teaching style. That goes for teachers too." That got the girl quiet.

We get a test on the first day! And my whole trip going to the locker room, Yuga was trying to hold my hand.

In the locker room, I got changed. A girl with pink skin came up to me. "Your Y/N, right? I'm Mina Ashido! I heard you conversation."

She was kinda speed talking. Not a falter in her smile as she spoke. "Yup thats me. And I'm NOT his girlfriend."

This made her giggle. "I'm Uraraka."

A nearby girl started, she was the girl who was talking to Midoriya. She had rosy checks and dimples.

"If were introducing ourselves. I'm Momo, and I love how you have two different colored eyes!" The black haired girl's statement got nods from the near by girls.

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