I see you

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Y/N pov.

Momo: How are you handling everything?

Y/N: It's a lot to handle, but everyone dies at some point I guess

Momo: Hey, I was thinking about maybe throwing a sleepover, to get our minds off everything. Would you be interested?"

I just now saw Momo's text after my call with Jiro. A sleepover sounds like an amazing idea!

Y/N: Does your offer still stand? Because a sleepover sounds awesome! Who else are you inviting?

Momo: Well you probably don't know the people I'm associated with.

Y/N: How about the girls in our class???

Momo: Oh sure.

Y/N: So when and where?

Momo: How about my place? You think maybe tonight at 7 or 8 is alright? I can get you a ride if you need one.

Y/N: Alright, I'll bring age appropriate beverages ;)

Momo pov.

"Damnit, Y/N." I whispered to myself as I turned off my phone after reading me and her text messages. Of course I couldn't have some one on one time with her, and it's like she knows I can't say 'no' to her.

But maybe inviting my classmates over won't be too bad. I can prove that I'm the perfect one for Y/N, which I am. And perhaps, even make sure the others' know their place. Just got to think on the bright side...

Y/N pov.

I beamed ear to ear at my phone screen, a girl gathering sounds so fun and exactly what I need. Just a relaxing time with friends.

I stretched and got out of my bed, my blanket was cuddled around my bare body as I walked over to where my window was. Squinting at the raising sun just above the tree line, I whispered to myself, "Today is a new day."

With that I got dressed into my light blue overalls and a striped shirt, in high spirits. I stumbled into my bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth. What can I say, I was really happy to be invited to a sleepover. I never been to one but the one in movies always seemed fun!

As I reentered my room, I went straight to my closet to find my suitcase to already start packing so I didn't have to do it later.

In my cluttered closet, I could find a tiny dark blue suitcase that had a star pattern on it. The handle of it was plastic and broken, I frowned realizing the only convenient bag I have with wheels was not only broken but also super small.

Clucking my tongue on the roof of my mouth, I made my way to the hallway closet near my room to see if I could find anything in there.

Making my way out of my room and down the hallway, Vic joined me from the kitchen with apple in her hand.

"Sleepover, huh?" She said before taking a bite out of the apple. I smiled and nodded in response. I glanced over to see Vic shaking her head while finishing the piece of apple still in her mouth. "No way that can go wrong."

"What crawled up your butt and died?" I joked, trying to be light-hearted.

I now reached the hallway closet with Vic beside me, I opened the door and started rummaging through all the random junk inside.

Vic just ignored my comment. "I think you're way too excited for this, you're just going to get disappointed."

I found a bag and hastily shut the door which in result, made a loud slam. I glared at Vic, annoyed. "Lighten up, will having the slightest hope really kill you?"

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