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Mina's pov.

I discreetly watched Y/N drift into sleep from the corner of my eye. Her head ended up on my right shoulder, which I didn't mind at all. She's had a long day and on top of that she was sick. Having a rest will benefit her. I'm so glad she picked to sit with me. Must be a sign, no?

The bus ride was shortly over which bought a frown to my face and Iida's bossy ass ordered everyone off. "ALRIGHT! PLEASE EXIT IN A ORDERLY FASHION."

"Iida!" I hissed at him in a rather quiet voice and pointed at the beautiful human on my shoulder who was sound asleep. "Y/N is sleeping."

I emphasize the sleeping so he'd understand not to be loud. Iida nodded, "Then we should wake her."

"No!" Yelled-whispered many of my classmates. They must enjoy watching her being so peaceful just like me. Which is so very annoying, she's mine.

"I'll carry her." Bakugo said more as a command than as a suggestion.

"That's my girlfriend! No way in the world will I let you touch her." Yuga fired back at Kacchan. Yuga isn't the scariest person alive, I'll be honest. But you suggest taking Y/N 'away' from him, he can be terrifying. But knowing Bakugo, he wouldn't back down.

"Listen here, twinkle toes.." Bakugo began as he had a death glare on Aoyama. He quit having an indoor voice when he spoke. Y/N got closer to my body at the sudden sound of Kacchan's loud anger.

"Stop it you two." Momo said to Yuga and Bakugo in a motherly voice, as I picked up Y/N bridled style and carefully walked her and me off the bus. She was as light as a feather. Her face was so adorable I just wanted to kiss her. But I didn't want to wake her cute ass up.

Soon everyone filed back into our classroom and we sat at our desk. Since Sensei was getting medical attention which was well needed, Present Mic was going to supervise us for the rest of class.

I sat down in my normal chair, with Y/N still cradled in my arms. I've never felt so happy in my life, she makes me feel so good about myself. It isn't fair..

"Alright everybody!" Present Mic yelled out. Causing the precious miracle in my arms to wake up. Her eyes fluttered open quickly and she began to yawn. She rubbed her eyes cutely and looked around.

"Where are we?" She asked drowsily. After she blinked a couple more times she spoke again, "wait nevermind."

That's when she noticed that she was in my lap. Her cheeks instantly turned a shade of pink. She quickly got off of me. "I'm so sorry Mina. You could've woken me up, you didn't have to do that. Bless your heart."

Her words were rambled together but I didn't mind. It was honestly so adorable. "Oh don't worry about it.."

Y/N pov.

I made my way to my seat. I could feel my cheeks heat up in embarrassment. I regained my composure and started paying attention to Present Mic's lesson.

"Well, you all went through a lot today so Principle Nezu are letting you all get out early! Now if you go to the locker rooms you can change out of your gym uniforms and head home! Be careful heroes!" Present Mic said enthusiastically. I liked that he called us heroes, it made me smile.

The whole class stood up and started heading towards the locker rooms. I rubbed my eyes as I walked down the hallways of UA.

Yuga grabbed my waist and pulled me closer to him while we continue to walk. I shook my head and smiled because it was so obvious that it was Yuga, "hey, Yuga."

"Hello babe. I was thinking you'd like to come over to my place after we change out of this fashion crime." He suggested to me with his toothy smile.

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