Complicated Saturday (Part 2)

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I braced myself for the impact of ice. But it didn't come. I was floating, no one touching me. But there was a guy who was going to catch me but didn't because I'm floating. Uraraka.

The guy under me, seem to think I was possessed by a demon. And he was to scared to move. I'm so glad I'm wear jeans.

"Thank you Uraraka, you can put me down." I said. She must have lost her grip on gravity because I fell instead of gently floating down. But that guy broke my fall.

"Omg I'm so so sorry Y/N!" Uraraka said skating over to me, among many others.

"It's fine. Try number one, was a fail. We learned from that. Don't do what I did. Whatever it was..." I said standing up and getting my self steady. Brushing off myself.

"Nice ass." The guy said once I got up. He had hair like Todoroki's but it was different colors. Purple and black. He had blue eyes and perfect teeth. He had a rough vibe to him.

I reached out for Uraraka to steady myself. And slowly, but surely, scooted myself around to give this bitch a piece of my mind.

"Ok, Imma respect your rights on the freedom of speech. I won't hurt you.." I grabbed Kacchan who was edging forward. So I added. "Nor will my friends... Well the visible ones."

He smirked, I was smiling too. But, I think he took my smile differently than I did. I was talking about Vic, who is about to kick his ass.

Vic was behind him, he was at arms length from Uraraka who I was using to stand.

Vic fell on the ice. I burst out laughing. I couldn't hold it in.

The guy was taken a back. As I pointed behind him at 'nothing'. At least in his eyes. Vic made her way over to me, and slapped me. "You did the same thing and got yourself into this mess."

She wasn't wrong so I shrugged. I glanced over. To everyone, my head just snapped then I shrugged as if it was nothing.

But Vic processed to get the first punch on the boy. He was so shocked, his quirk showed.

He created a black hole.

Everyone was now on high alert. Scrambling to be away. I was right in the way. I quickly got Vic inside me. But I didn't know what to do. Maybe I could skate away? Ha, good idea.

"We're training to be heros, lets save the people. We can't kill him" I said pointing at the black hole, but meaning the guy behind it. "The black hole might not close and that's murder. So we have to wait for him to close it."

Everyone broke off and did what they could. As for me, I tried to teach myself to skate, it was surprisingly easier when my life was at stake. I got the just of it, being delicate, and balanced along with knowing your left from your right. 2 minutes later, you'd think I've being skating all my life, with few hiccups there and there.

Once I got step one down, I raced to get people to safety. Even though there was only a few left on the ice. Mainly children. Which was terrible.

I saw a crying woman come onto the ice screaming "My baby."

"What does your child look ma'am." I ask in a gentle tone, trying comfort her.

"He's 5 and has blonde hair. Green eyes.." Her voice broke into a scream and pointed at something. "My son!"

"Please get to the exit, your son will be fine." I said to the woman and rushed off to a boy who was clinging to the edge of the ice rink's railing.

Iida was making sure everyone had their children and was leaving as fast as they could.

"Iida!" I screamed. I got his attention and pointed to the blonde haired boy. His mother was being carried by the crowd, trying to keep an eye on her son. Iida raced to him like I wanted. I went to the exit and pulled off my skates as fast as I could get them off.

There was two other lost children. A girl who looked to be 7, violet hair, blue eyes. And a boy who was around 13, brown hair and brown eyes. Both lost.

Iida handed me the blonde haired boy. I cradled him, and went to the other children. "Lets go find your parents."

I picked up the girl and she wrapped her legs around my neck, too scared to talk or even cry. I held the last boy's hand and went to the exit.

Once we were outside. The boy that I was holding hands with, rushed off and hugged a older man, the man was crying. Seems like a match.

I placed the blonde haired boy in his shaking mother's arms. She said thank you and quickly left.

I sat the girl down. She searched in the crowd, she held my hand. We waited, and waited. Nothing clicked for her. There was no one else coming out.

My classmates started filing out in high spirits. The two different colored haired boy started heading toward me, his head down. But once I had sight of him the girl broke my grip and ran to him. Then I put two and two together. She had a purple hair. Lighter than him but still had the same face structure. Brother and sister.

They smiled and hugged each other. Once they stopped he looked at me gave a shy smile. He was taller than me and had broader shoulders than me.

He headed over to me, holding his sister's hand like I did. Sero got in between us. "I think you did enough for today."

"I-I just wanted to- to say sorry for um.." He drifted away and look down at his sister.

I placed my hand on Sero's bicep and whispered. "It was mainly my fault."

"It wasn't your fault he didn't control himself." Sero said looking at me. I open my mouth to argue but the boy cut me off.

"He's right. I just wanted to sorry to everyone, you and thank you for watching my sister." He said. His grip tightened around his sister. I guess he isn't used to confessing?

He started walking away. Passing behind me and Sero. Tapping my ass, discreetly. I just lifted a middle finger when he wasn't looking since there was a kid present.

"He's lucky there was a kid there." Sero muttered. I nodded in agreement.

"Ok, give me the details! How was it?" I said smiling. I think its a win.

"Ok, so it was awesome. It was like bang and boom. And this dude was awesome. We all were awesome. But I can't believe that happen." Denki said making a bunch of hand jesters.

"Couldn't have said it better myself." Mina said.

"Well today was eventful." Midoryia said yawning. Which cause more people to yawn.

"Omg babe!" Yuga yelled. He just exited the ice skating rink. I glace at Iida to explain. He didn't answer. Yuga flung himself onto me and kissing me like a mad man. I pushed him off.

"Yuga, what happened?" I asked.

"I was in the bathroom. Come out and everyone is gone. I was so worried! So glad your ok." Yuga said, being more serious than I've ever seen him.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I said. Not knowing what to say. "So you didn't see what happened?"

"What happened?" He asked. He seriously saw nothing.

"That makes sense." Midoryia said. Because Yuga would had shown that I was 'his' before the boy could open his mouth.

"You were great Y/N." Momo said putting aside everything.

"You were great, everyone was great." I said hugging her. Hugs are nice. "But I had enough for today."

"Did I miss something?" Yuga said, grabbing my hand and holding it. As always, his grip was killer.

"Yes you did." Iida said. "But it is irrelevant."

"Bye guys, see you Monday. I want to get out before police or anything gets here." I said backing away towards my houses direction.

After a bit of a walk I was home. I organised my room. Stuff was everywhere.

Right after that, I slept. Today was a crazy day.

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