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It was the middle of the night and I couldn't sleep. My mind was thinking about everything we found in Yuga's room. And was it wrong of me to assume that a classmate did this? Probably.

I went over all my fellow classmates name, and tried to find a motive or a link to the evidence to pin point who. And hopefully no one was suspicious enough, that would some what clear my conscious.

"First Kacchan," I started as I whispered to myself in the darkness. "Probably isn't him, even though that phone call he gave me doesn't help much. They bedroom would be way more messy and wrecked if it was him and plus the Aoyama's would've heard the explosions so can't be him.."

"Then, let's go with Midoryia next." I continued to talk to myself. "He was acting odd today, but he honestly has a good heart. He wants to rescue people not kill them. I think. I hope- I don't know, I kinda feel like Midoryia is a bad liar so I'd know something was up if he did commit murder."

"Next, hm, Mina." I rubbed my chin in thought. "Now, this brings new possibilities, there was no acid stains but what if she didn't use her quirk? What if Midoryia and Kacchan didn't use their quirks either? Ugh, not knowing how Yuga went out is making this harder."

I sighed as I stared at my popcorn ceiling, then I heard something from my window. Like a small tap on the glass of my window. It instantly gained my attention.

"Vic-" I started to say.

"it wasn't me!" She said quickly, cutting me off, I look over to my window to see Vic was already at the window, herself seeing what it was.

"See anything?" I asked her, not wanting to get up myself to see what had made the noise. "I swear if you're trying to scare right now by making something up when it was actually you the whole time.."

"Don't tempt me, and no I don't see anything." she told me with a sigh.

"Back to brain storming then! You have any suggestions of who the people might be?" I asked her, returning my gaze to my ceiling.

"Hm, well I wasn't doing any of that cheesy 'looking for clues' stuff that you were doing with green boy." She stated but I could tell she was taking this seriously so I didn't call her out for calling what me and Midoryia did 'cheesy'. I didn't want to distract her from her train of thought. "Didn't you find blonde hair or something gross like that? There's Bakugo-"

It's nice to have someone somewhat on the same page as me. As Vic spoke about the possibilities of blonde suspects in our class, I thought of if it was them or not. Kacchan? Doubt it. He would've made a giant mess and he loves his quirk so he would've used it. The residents heard no explosions or they would've spoke up about it. Plus the hairs were too dark to be his.

"Denki," Vic continued.

Denki had more of orange hair so the hair didn't match up. Plus, he wouldn't be able to pull that off alone. Love the guy but murder is a tad out of his league. I sighed as nothing was matching.

"Ojiro." Vic said and paused for a moment to think, "Theres no more blondes in class 1-A."

Ojiro? Ojiro. My brain wheels began turning. The hair samples did sort of match his and Ojiro's quirk is tail so he could use his quirk without making any noise. And isn't he into martial arts? Maybe that could've came in handy. I don't know if this was Ojiro or not but I'm so looking into this.

"Ojiro isn't like that. I don't think." Vic said defending Ojiro. Can't hide anything from a girl who is literally part of a figment of your imagination and is linked to your brain. "We've never really spoke to him, he always seemed chill and quiet. Even if it was him, what would his motivation be? He has no reason to kill Yuga.. right?"

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