Karaoke Night

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I pulled on a white button up shirt, then a black blazer. Black tights and a skirt. Black flats to pull it all together. My mom picked out the outfit.

I sat in the passenger sit of my mom's outback. I watched cars go by as she drove. Not saying a word to each other.

"We're here." She said opening her car door. I exited out the car as well.

I looked at the building. A big sign said Senior Center. I gave mom a confused look.

"I thought you worked at hotel.." I said looking at the elderly home. She shook her head. "So what do you exactly want me to say- Why the hell do elders have a karaoke night!?"

Mom gave me a look when I slipped the word hell. Like she doesn't cuss? "Some of the maids and house keepers signed up, and the residents are 50 and up. Some have really powerful voices. Don't judge a book by it's cover Y/N."

I rolled my eyes and entered the center. There we're people in chairs, wheel chairs, with tubes, in house keeping outfits. I felt so out of place.

My mom got hello's as I got stares. They seem nice?

"Just go on the stage" My mom pointed at a platform in the café. "Take the microphone say the names and the song on the this paper. And leave the stage. Blah blah. You get it."

I was handed a paper and a microphone. I walked over to the platform. There was a big TV behind me and a small computer in front of me.

I looked in the crowd of talking seniors for my mother's face. Once I spotted her she held up a finger telling me to wait a second. I kept my eye on her patiently.

She was talking to a young guy, middle 20's maybe. And the room got dark and quiet. Lights near the exit and the platform came on. It wasn't dark like you'd think it should be. But dim. Dim is close enough.

Eyes were on me since I was most lighten up. I turned on the microphone and looked at the paper.

"Welcome to the senior center karaoke night...?" I said in a question. I got claps and small 'woohoo' around the room. "The first person up on this lovely evening is Aoi Fukui, singing 'Stormy Weather' by Lena Horne."

A lady with brown, but almost white hair bounced her way over to me with claps all around her. I handed her the microphone and left the 'stage'. She stood there. She looked at me then to my mom. Are you gonna sing Aoi?

"Y/N you need to get on the computer and play the song!" My mom yell-whispered as she walked over to me.

"Like I knew that!" I hissed back and walked over to the computer. I looked up at the lady who waited there patiently. "Sorry"

"Your fine dear. This might your first rodeo but won't be your last." She said smiling and looking down at me. I laughed and nodded.

As the computer went to youtube, I typed in 'Karaoke Stormy Weather by-' and it popped up and we were good to go!

The computer was already connected to the TV behind me. So the singer can read the song from the computer and the audience can watch from behind them.

Before I hit play my mom pushed a low sat chair and a high sat chair beside each other on the right side of the stage. She waved Fukui over to her and she took a seat on the higher chair.

I played the music and angled the computer towards her to read. She knew what to do from there so I disappeared into the not so shadowy, shadows. My mother gave me a thumbs up and went doing her own thing.

Once Aoi finished up, people clapped her off the stage. I walked back up to call out the next name. "Chitose Date is up next and she will be sing When you wish upon a star by Cliff Edwards!"

I typed it into the computer as she made her way to the stage. She looked young so she must be a worker or a visitor. I nodded to her and clicked play. When I went to my spot my mom was waiting for me with a older man.

"This is Christopher Beckerson." My mother said smiling. I gave her a weird look. Why exactly do I need to know him? "He has grandchildren who come here to visit him. Ones 15 and loves karaoke night!"

"Oh yeah, Tyler does. See, we have a American names because when I was 10 my parents took a trip here in Japan and loved it so much we moved here. I grew up, found my love, had a son who did the same. His son Tyler and daughter Athena. Tyler loves singing and is damn good at it too. But Athena, poor girl, hit her women stages and two months later get diagnosed with breast cancer." The man said shaking his head. My mother patted his back.

"Didn't I do a fundraiser for breast cancer?" I asked my mom.

"Yes, I told Chris and he wanted to meet you!" She said smiling.

"Uh-huh. So Tyler isn't here?" I would love to talk to someone. Mom slapped me, as if I was being rude.

"No, sadly. He's spending time with his younger sister before she has to be taken in the hospital." He said getting wet eyed.

"I bet she's a brave girl Mr. Beckerson. If she's anything like the god she was named after! She ain't going no where. Well no where with out a fight. If she can't kick cancer in the as- then no one can!" I said giving a shy smile. Athena. That's a pretty name.

"Heh, I hope so." He said. I pulled him into a hug.

"I know so" I whispered in his ear. "And I don't even know her."

"Tyler will love you" Mr. Beckerson said fighting the tears. Poor girl, poor man, poor brother, poor parents. But they'll push through! They have to.

The maid wrapped up her song and bowed at the sea of elders. My mom and Christopher started talking about something, but I jumped on stage and introduced the next person. "That was lovely! Next can we welcome Eiko Gima! Singing to Super Freak by Rick James."

I clapped him on and played his song. There was only one more name left. And it was my moms. I quickly glance over the crowd, luckily no one I know is here.

I clicked my tongue boredly. I searched through people, til I spotted my mom. I waved her down. She to far away to talk to her unless I yelled, and elder ears and just some many other factors, maybe not the best time. I motion a drink, by making a fake phone with my hand (we've all done that) and put my thumb to my lip.

She nodded and disappeared. She was a great help. I rolled my eyes and waited for Gima to finish his song.

A few seconds later my mom popped out of the, not much of a crowd, but crowd and held up a water bottle.

She handed me it and looked up at the stage smiling. Of course I chugged all the water out of that stupid plastic thingy. Once Gima was done, my mom walked onto the platform and waved me away. Rude.

"Uh, thanking you all the brave ones who came up tonight!" My mom said without the microphone. This is why she's so loud! "Ima close tonight like normal. If you need anything tell me before I leave or any of the night ladies or gents who work here. But, uh, I'll be ending this with I will survive by Gloria Gaynor's"

She clapped her hands and looked at me. So demanding. I opened up the song and she started singing.

She was... Better than I thought. Way better. Like way. Way. Way. Better. Way.

As she left the platform some people called her over. "You can get in the car"

I didn't need to be told twice. I was off. And got on my phone and signed into Quotev. I was taking a quiz called 'Make a quiz and I'll guess your favorite color.' It was wrong. My favorite color is clear. Not green.

My mom slipped into to drivers sit. "Ready to go home?"

"Yup. I think I was pretty good out there." I said and turned on the radio to avoid anymore conversation.

Once we got home, I got up stairs and changed into a white T and PJ pants. Before passing out, I read a little of Harry Potter and the goblet of fire.

Lets see where tomorrow takes me

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