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My eye lids fluttered open. I yawned as to just waking up and turned to my side, with a smile on my face. I had a great sleep, no not even great, a fantastic sleep.

But that smile on my lips quickly faded as my vision now focused and revealed that I was not in my own bed, not in my own room and most definitely not in my own clothes.

My eyes widen as I swiftly sat up on the bed to get a better look of my surroundings. My eyes shift left to right, up to down, back and forth. I was in a completely unfamiliar place, and a very fancy one at that.

The whole room was big and was dimly lighted that gave me the eerie impression.

The bed I had apparently slept on was large, I mean this thing was huge! There was so much room for sleep. The pink silk like sheets I was just under were soft to the touch, and the mattress was lightly sunken in where I sat.

There was a big, and just absolutely beautiful bay window in front of me. It had a little sitting nook under it that look as comfortable as the bed I was on now. It had pink curtains to the side of the window that framed the window in a flattering way. The window looked out onto the raising sun that shined onto a garden that was outside of the room I was in.

Either side of the bay window were two matching book shelves that were scattered randomly with books, photo frames that had pictures of things I couldn't make out and stuffed animals. It almost reminded me of the book shelf in Yuga's room, except this room was more luxurious than his. Sorry Yuga.

To my right was two wooden doors, one was drastically larger than the other. It was tall, and looked heavy. It was a dark brown color paired with a big golden door knob. And the one next to it looked like the door's little brother, it was just a miniature version.

To my left, which I noted was the side of the bed I was laying and am sitting on, there was another window that brought in light and looked over the same garden. It wasn't as pretty as the bay one that was in front of me but a window never the less. It too, like the bay window had the same pink colored curtains which I could now see matched the bed sheets.

Besides the window, the wall was fairly empty, it had a standing mirror and some paintings to fill the space.

I shifted in my seating position to see the wall behind me, which was a door to the right side. In the same style as the other doors. And the thing that stood out the most was a huge collage of all different pictures of me. Some of me doing everyday activities such as brushing my teeth, and others of me hanging out with my family or friends, their faces all scratched out or ripped out.

I regretted looking behind me and returned my gaze to in front of me. Shivers went down my spine. Where the hell was I?!

Not to mention my clothes. I was in a silky pink, transparent robe with a thick black outline. My undergarments were of revealing black lace. I crossed my arms over my chest in frustration, I was not a fan of what I was wearing.

Then there was a knock on the big boy door. The knock took me out of my thoughts, my head snapped to where the door was. Waiting to see who was to come. I was on edge, my muscles tensed up.

The gold door knob started to slowly turn to the right. My eye twitched in anticipation. I got up from the bed I was on, so I could stand my ground in case I needed to beat the shit out of someone. There was no saying what was potentially behind that door.

The door swung open to show a shadowy figure in the door way. The figure had no eyes or any facial features, and it seemed if the wind were to blow hard enough they would float away with it.

"Calm down, my love. I can tell you seem, hm, on edge," the shadow spoke. The cloudy form walked closer into the room. I couldn't even make out a body type. The door soon shut behind them.

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