Complicated Saturday (Part 1)

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Wake up." My mother shook me in my bed.

"What?" I said quietly. She kept shaking me so I raised my voice. "What!?"

"Oh, your up. Good morning. Um, I know its the weekend but I want to tell you before I go to work. Your father's 'office' space is cleared out. And you really wanted your room down stairs. You totally can, just your parents aren't gonna help you." She kissed my forehead. "Bye"

"Wait, it's the weekend don't you, like not work?" I asked. Still in sleep mood.

"Your right. Its just that we're low staff. I'll be back earlier. Hopefully." She said before shutting the door behind her.

I went to check my phone. 59 missed texts. And it was around 8.

Denki: Guys I know its like 4 am, but we should do stuff tomorrow.

Uraraka: Yes!

Mineta: Swim suit shopping? I've out grown mine. I call helping Y/N!

Kacchan: Like hell your not.

Kirishima: Let her decide.

Mina: She stopped texting a while ago.

Uraraka: Maybe she's sleeping?

Mina: Maybe.

Kirishima: Night guys

Uraraka: Good night!

And that was the last text. I could see almost all of the group chat member's were online. So I typed in:

Y/N: Can't. I'm busy today.

Midoryia: With what?

Y/N: Uhh..

Momo: I'm scared.

Y/N: I don't know how to word it.

Kirishima: So does it have to deal with your quirk, then?

Y/N: No, I'm switching rooms. From up stairs to down. My quirk certainty will help. I thought that would be harder.

Momo: I bet your room will look amazing!

Mina: Ohh! That'll be fun.

Y/N: Moving my bed will be interesting.

Kirishima: Are you doing it by yourself?

Y/N: Yeah. Even if my parents were here, they wouldn't help.

Denki: I can come over to help.

Kirishima: I can too.

Momo: Same!

Mineta: Me and you can have a sex celebration party after!

Sero: Just stop texting Mineta.

Midoryia: I'm free

Mina: I have nothing better to do...

Iida: I can volunteer.

Yuga: I don't lift stuff. And anyway I have a manicure. After that I'll spend my time with you baby!

Kacchan: I'm coming over.

Y/N: That doesn't sound like a request..

Kacchan: Its not one.

Mina: Damn...

Kacchan: Where's your house?

Y/N: (Insert the road, and base color of house) I guess if anyone else is free...

I didn't sign up for this. I rushed to clean up the house a bit so they didn't think I was a total slob. Because I totally am one. I started moving some things down stairs. The first knock (That scared me half to death) was around 11 am.

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