Training with a pro

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"Hey sweetie you slept passed your alarm." My mother's voice rang through my ears.

"Oh! What time is it?" I asked. Rubbing my eyes.

"6:38." She said biting her lip.

"20 minutes." I kicked off my sheets. "Thanks-"

I ran into the up stairs bathroom and brushed my teeth, hair, ate breakfast, did all my morning stuff.

"Bye mom." I said before I left the house. She was being rather nice. Funny how she's not at work. Better not question it like I did last night. Because that went super. Yup. Totally. Mhm...

I reached UA right before first period started. It was standard English with President Mic.

As I walked through the door. I went right to my seat and acted like nothing happen. I wasn't almost late. Nahhhh.

The whole class was dull as ever. Once the morning half was over for the day, we had lunch. Rice.

Speaking of lunch, I should ask principal Nezu if I can have two lunches because of Vic. But for now we can share a plate.

I grabbed a tray and went to find a sit. People waving at me, showing they had a open spot. I had to make a split decisi-

"Your sitting with me." Kacchan said, grabbing my hand and pulling me to the table with, Sero, Denki and Kirishima. I guess I'm sitting here.

A sat in between Denki and Kacchan. Kirishima and Sero were on the other side of the table.

I cupped my face and released Vic. My face is to embarrassing to let them see.

"Oi, stop hiding your face." Kacchan yelled. Vic shoved Kacchan and sat on my lap, grabbing my chop stick to eat. "Eh!?"

"Vic..." I said. "Sorry Kacchan. Vic is just salty..."

"Wha-" everyone looked really confused. I'm not in the mood to explain it.

"Its my quirk. She's invisible." I opened my mouth. And Vic shoved some rice in my mouth. "My best friend."

"That's confusing." Kirishima said.

"Dude, my mom thinks I'm quirkless because I have to "proof". Imagine trying to tell people about that. Most of the time, they call me crazy." I said laughing.

"I bet you look damn good telling them, though." Denki said out of no where, winking at me. Kacchan and Sero just glared at Kaminari.

"Desperate much" Kirishima asked. I had to bite my lip to not laugh.

"No." Denki said, defending himself. Him, Sero and Kirishima stated laughing together.

"Tch." Kacchan isn't big on laughter I guess.

Then out of no where, Denki rested his stiff but delicate hand on my thigh. I glanced at him. He didn't return my gaze. I didn't hate it, but I didn't like it either. But I accept his boldness.

"Kirishima, would you rather, have Kacchan's quirk but be lonely for ever, or would you rather be quirkless, but taken?" I said. Kacchan looked at me, smirking.

"Hm. The second one." Kirishima said. "Ok my turn."

"Y/N, would you rather date Mineta or Koda?" Kirishima said pointing to the boy with balls on his head, staring at me and a boy with a rock like head, also staring at me, but trying to hide it.

"I don't like how their both staring at you.." Sero said, joking and seriously.

"Umm... Min- Ko- Mi- No, Koda.. No." I was really thinking here. "I'll go with Koneta."

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