ya like chess?

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Why in the world was a car just there? Questions flooded my brain as I began to pace back and forth in my living room with shaking hands.

Then there was a knock.

I was so focused on calming my nerves that I didn't even see who walked up to my porch and came to knocked on my door.

I got on the other side of the door. With a deep breath and confidence of having Vic with me, I open the door.

The angelic face of Momo was smiling at me.

I stared at her for a moment, my jaw slightly dropped in shock. Which made Momo tilt her head in confusion.

"I'm here to pick you up, like we discussed." She explained shaking off my surprised self. "Do you want help with your stuff?"

"Uh.." Was all I could squeak out. I open the door wider to let her inside. My mind was still processing everything everything, like how I'm not dead yet.

The girl giggled, her pony tail swayed as she step inside with a sweet smile on her face.

"Well," I stated now that my voice decide to return to me. "I have my bag over here and I made brownies!"

I reached for my stuffed back pack and slid one loop of the bag over my shoulder, as Vic picked up the brownies with a twisted smile on her face. I glared at her, I swear if she eats those brownies me and Sato worked so hard for.

"That's so thoughtful of you." Momo said while smiling at the floating in mid air brownie container. At least floating for her, since she couldn't see Vic. I sighed in relief.

I quickly yelled up the stairs to let my mother know I was leaving for the night and accompanied Momo to the door.

"The brownies look, and smell really good, I didn't know you baked." Momo commented as we exited onto my porch.

I locked the door behind us and got right back next to the fair skinned girl, "Yeah. I didn't taste test them so they might be awful. I had Sato over to help me since I never really baked before."

She nodded as I explained. Her demeanor seemed off and on the edge but I didn't want to call her out.

We made our way to the sleek black car from before. Which still sent shivers down my spine. She open the door for me to get in. I bowed to her, thanking Momo for opening the door.

This just rolled her eyes playfully, "Get in there already."

We both slid into the car. The seats were leather but was one of the most comfortable car seats I've ever sat in. There was a woman smiling at us through the rear view mirror in the front seat behind the wheel.

I fumbled with my seat belt, and slowly slipped the melt piece into the buckle until I heard a click. I felt like I was being intensely stared at and it didn't ease my nerves.

My back pack sat between my legs, with a deep breathe I gathered my thoughts and looked over to a grinning Momo. "You ready?"

"Uh, yeah! I'm really excited." I said, pulling off a smile. And with that I felt the car get put into gear and take off down the road.

Momo reached out for my hand and interlocked our fingers together. "You're so pretty when you smile."

I could feel my face get to every shade of pink and I looked away from the raven haired girl. I didn't know how to respond, sure I've been hit on before but a genuine compliment is hard to come by now a days.

"Only when I smile?" I replied smirking at her since I came up with a genius response. She giggled and shook her head while squeezing my hand in her's.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2021 ⏰

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