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I was awoke by my phone vibrating violently on my bed side table. I groaned as I reached my hand out blindly, trying to find exactly where my phone was.

Once I managed to get a hold of my phone I swiped left to accept the call. I didn't even look to see who was calling me. I didn't have the energy.

I laid on my bed with my phone loosely in my hand, I cleared my throat before Ifell spoke but my voice was still not that pleasant. "Hello, this is Y/N.."

"Hey! It's Midoryia. You should come over." He said rather quickly. I furrowed my brows.

"Hello Izuku, and like right now?" I asked him while I began to sit up on my bed, my phone glued to my ear. My vision still out of focus from having just woken up.

We exchanged goodbyes and hung up. I changed out of my school uniform that I fell asleep in. I decided to wear a big graphic T-shirt and jean shorts. I put on knee high socks and my sneakers.

"What do you think Midoryia wants?" Vic asked me once I finished getting dressed. We both walked out my door and left without breakfast.

I shook my head cluelessly. "I have no idea. And what does he want this early? It's not even 8 am yet!"

I complained and started walking tiredly to Midoryia's house.

"Do you even know where he lives?" Vic asked me. Which made me freeze in my tracks. I pulled out my phone and texted Midoryia.

Y/N: Where you live?

Midoryia: you live near me, [his address]

"Yes, I do know where he lives." I said to Vic when I looked up from my phone. Her and I continued our way to where Midoryia told us his house was.

Soon I knocked on his door. Which was quickly opened by Izuku. "Welcome, you can sit on the couch."

I nodded and entered his house. It was clean and had a warm feeling to it. I went over to the living room area where he told me to sit. I positioned myself to look at Midoryia. "So what's up Midoryia? Why am I here?"

"Well, I got up early because I thought we would be having classes. When I found out they were canceled I turned on the news. And one of the stories is.." he bit his lip as if he didn't know how to word it. "Well, it's better if you see it yourself. I recorded it on our TV, and I know you could watch it at your place but it's kinda.."

His words drifted off and I was really confused. "Ok so there a news story you want to show me, what's it about?"

I asked him while he got his TV set up to show me what he had recorded. "It's better if you just watch and see.."

He was making me scared now. What was so bad that I had to go over to Midoryia's house and watch something from news that Izuku couldn't even tell me what it was about?

Pretty soon Midoryia got what he wanted to show me ready and he joined me on his couch. I made myself comfortable and stared at his TV screen.

A female news lady appear on the screen, and she began talking. "A few weeks ago Yuga Aoyama was attacked and at an estimated time of 1 am to 3 am, he passed away in his sleep. Officials aren't sure what the cause of the death yet, more will be revealed later.."

Her words continued but I completely zoned out. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I tried to speak but no words would come out.

"Is this a joke?!" I said upset. I didn't want Yuga to be dead! Sure he came off strong but he's my classmate. My friend.

"I know you'd figure out about Aoyama's death, and I also know you wouldn't want to be alone when.." I cut Midoryia off with a hug. He wrapped his arms around me. Vic joined the hug as well which through Midoryia off, I could feel his arms tense up around me.

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