Getting in.

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"You? You're trying to get into UA?" My mother teased me. "You're quirkless! You have almost no hope!"

"I do have a quirk you just don't believe me!" I fought back. Almost begging her to let me go.

"Fine whatever. But if you die it's your fault!" She snapped and went right back to her sleep I woke her from.

"Noted." And I left her room with the biggest smile.

I pulled on a T-shirt, leggings and my wide but cute glasses, and headed for UA.

My mom doesn't believe that I have a quirk, she thinks I'm delusional. I have a spirit inside of me. It's weird! I know. But I open my mouth, my eyes roll back- and she's in the real world! I see her, but only me, I learned. We're best friends! It's hard to really explain. It's an lmao (to everyone but me) and she's super strong and she lives in me. Her name is Vic!

I went under UA's gate and smiled to myself. There was a lot of people filing into the school. I followed the crowd to an auditorium like room.

I was more to the back of the auditorium. To my left was a guy with balls on his head, he was drooling and looking at me weirdly. So I kept scooting to my right, closer to a muttering, green haired, boy.

He finally noticed my actions and gave me a weird look.

I pushed up my glasses and mutter "Sorry."

"You're fine!" He said shyly

"If you say so, this... kid is making me uncomfortable." I said giving him a shy smile.

"Deku stop drooling over-" A blonde began to bark at the green haired boy. He stopped when we made eye contact. His eyes kinda changed, I don't know how to explain, but they quickly went back to the way they were and he snorted.

I raised an eye brow curiously. What was that about? The boy called Deku just shrugged and smiled.

"Deku can't be your name..." I said. Deku means I can't do anything and I doubt his mother named him that.

"No... It's Midoriya..Izuku Midoriya.." He said not losing that cute, shy smile.

"I'm Y/N L/N." I said smiling.

"And can you two in the back-" A sharp loud voice called out. He was looking at us and pointing. He kinda stopped. "Can you in the green hair stop muttering, it's distracting!"

I noticed he phrased his sentence differently. I caught eye contact with him. He seemed mad at himself. I gave him a apologetic look and he sat back down.

Midoriya started stuttering on his 'sorry' and got all flustered. I just let out a small chuckle and shook my head.

I decided to start paying attention now, after the blue haired out burst. Pretty soon we were able to go outside and start.

"Go!" And I took off.

The first robot I found, I quickly released Vic and she did the dirty work as I just suggested some moves, and a bonus because the robot is focused on me not Vic.

"Dive, Upper cut, Left! Right punch, Jump.." And the robot was down.

"Great job." We clapped hands and ran to the next one.

There was a blonde haired boy from early that got stuck, and kept blasting the robot and the thing he was caught on looking frustrated.

I let Vic handle the bot as I unhooked the boy.

The boy paused, like trying to figure out the best way to say what he was about to tell me. "You trying to steal my points?"

"No, you looked like you needed help." I smile, perfect timing when the robot crashed behind me.

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