Nice to meet you

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As we entered the building. Everything was fairly quiet. We hung close together watching each others back's. Midoriya was discussing plans if his original failed.

"Deku!" Kacchan yelled. He was on the opposite end of the hallway we we're in. He started charging he didn't use his quirk yet. I was the closest to him, he shoved me behind him and then let off his quirk for Midoriya and Uraraka. I was barely harmed.

"Y/N! You ok?!" Midoriya shouted.

"Yeah!" I started running to them to help my team. I quirkly released Vic. Its just Kacchan so Iida is with the weapon.

Iida's Pov.

If I move everything off the floor. That'll be for- But Y/N... And it could be them two against me if Kacchan just goes for-

Y/N Prov.

"Uraraka and Y/N go for the objective!" Midoriya called out.

"Izuku you can't do it alone!" Me and Midoriya made eye contact. I know he got his power from All Might and it would make sense if didn't use it that well. "Uraraka I'm sending Vic your way"

She nodded and they both turned a corner out if view. I turned to face Kacchan and Midoriya fighting.

Midoriya was reading Kacchan like a book. It only made him angrier. But Midoriya was good a dodging.

"Behind you! Behind you!" I yelled a Midoriya. Midoriya was distracting Kacchan so I sneaked up behind Bakugo and side kicked him in his stomach. His eyes looked at me like he was going to kill me. But also a hint of, Watch-and-learn. Either way he didn't attack me back.

The whole fight went like that. I trust in Vic and Uraraka to pull us a win. "Uraraka hows it going?"

"Erm, I got ran down. I don't know about Vic..." Uraraka responded over the transmitter.

"Nice pun" I me and her laughed even though I could tell she didn't mean it like that.

Then while casing the boys, I came across Kacchan, deadly looking at Midoriya with his gun.

I started running to Midoriya. I pushed him out of the way and got a direct hit of Kacchan's explosion from his gun thingy.

I was under some ceiling tiles. I pushed them off and began to cough. I touched my forehead I was bleeding. My whole body felt weak. Damn Kacchan is strong.

I was checking my body like I never seen it before. When I looked up Midoriya and Kacchan we're over me. They we're moving their mouths but I couldn't hear any words. All I heard was a ringing in my ears.

Kacchan started yelling a Midoriya. I gingerly got up from where I was and walked out the wall. Because they torn down the whole wall.

My vision was blurry, a loud ring rang in my ear's, my head was on fire and my stomach was twisted in a knot.

I was picked up something. Like a baby. I wrap my legs around them so I didn't fall. It was Vic. She ran me down 3 flights of stairs and sat me outside out of harms way. I used Vic to cough on.

'Your Shirt Is Off.' She said to me telepathically. I looked down. I only had the top half of my hero costume. The pant part was still on but the torso was all torn up. You could see the bottom of my bra.

I began to laugh. I could barely see the some of my classmates come out. I fell straight into the concrete, passed out.


"....And Uraraka got the bomb and we won" Midoriya said.

"We won!?" I just woke up and I fell off the bed I was in. I just woken up to.

"Oh your awake." A frail voice I remember from the entrance exam say.

I used the bed to help me stand. Midoriya was in the bed beside me, And Uraraka, Iida, Kacchan, Mineta, Momo, Yuga we're by our bed sides.

"I thought you died!" Mineta screamed. He said it out of no where so I jump a little. "Just the thought of not having sex with you is-"

Mineta zoned out. Yuga rolled his eyes at Mineta and Yuga came at me trying to kisses me. I didn't notice till it was to late and he lips meet mine. But not for long because Kacchan grabbed him.

"I'm so glad your ok!" Momo squealed.

"Yes." Iida nodded.

"Yeah, me too!" Midoriya said.

"For sure" Uraraka said nodding.

"You go back to rest, Midoriya you can go back to class, but for you, you were hit pretty hard." Recovery girl said. Kacchan stiffen beside me.

"Hey I'm sorry I-" I cut Bakugo off.

"It was my choice don't chew yourself out." I winked at Midoriya before he left the clinic. I should talk to All Might though.

"I want you to know I didn't mean to hurt you" Kacchan said looking pretty beat up. He reached for my hand and held it in his. Who knew he could be so delicate. I don't really like it. Not his style.

"Hey, I understand. It was for school anyway. We're cool, if you are" I said looking up at him.

"I'm cool.." He said smiling. He let go of my hand, kissed me on my cheek and ran out of the clinic. I shivered and sat back on the bed.

She finally dismissed me. I headed back to the classroom. Everyone rushed up to me as I walked in. Well almost everyone.

Midoriya mouthed that they did the same for him as well. I shook my head. All them were talking so I couldn't understand anything.

"Give her some space class." Sensei said. I thanked him and went to my seat. But the bell rang 5 seconds after. I climbed those stairs for nothing. I slouched in my seat.

I gingerly got up from my seat. And made my way out the main doors of UA. On my way for my house I bumped into someone.

"Sorry! I should have looked where I was going." I looked up and saw one of my classmates.

"Your fine." It was the the boy with two different colors. He's the Koda kid right?

"Hey, Your Koda right?" I said trying to make conversation.

"No." He said I blushed embarrassed. He must have saw my face and he replied with. "It Todoroki, Shoto."

"My mistake! Sorry again." I was still really embarrassed.

"Its fine Y/N" Ugh and he knew my name! I feel so stupid.

"Its nice to finally meet you!" I waved and walked home in my shame. Could that have gone worse?

"Hey kiddo!" My dad called as I open the door of my house. "Your mom wanted to talk to you sweetheart."

I nodded and went up stairs. She's probably sleeping. I open the door of her room. She was sitting on the edge of the bed.

"You wanted me?" I swear if I'm grounded.

"I need a host for karaoke night tonight at my work so I was wondering.." She drifted.

"That's why you were being so nice!" I said smirking at her dirty play. "I didn't miss my alarm did I?"

"No, I took your alarm clock out of your room" She laughed at herself.

"YOU TOOK MY ALARM CLOCK?! Like Why?" I'm honestly getting confused.

"Because I thought you'd say no and we barely have time to talk in the morning." She said raising her voice for no reason.

"Ok your stupid." I said smiling. "I'll do it. If I'm getting paid."

"Done" She said. She was really happy now. Does being just her daughter not bring her joy?

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