Detective mood: On.

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I woke up to the loud TV. I tried to ignore it. But I couldn't. So I tried to put a pillow over my ear to block out the noise. It only did so much. So I just got up.

I went got out of my new room, yawning. My mother had it the news station. It was showing live action of the hero's saving some kid.

I made myself some chocolate milk. In the kitchen, I could still see the TV. And I could clearly hear it. I watched it as I mixed my drink.

The news was addressing a new matter. Now a man was on the TV, taking an interview. "I was watching TV. Then I heard a, a uh.. BOOM! So I went to my window. There was a man with spiky hair in the darkness. He wasn't facing me, that house over there..."

The man pointed to a white house on the edge of the street. There we're black marks from the upstairs window. And when I mean window. I mean, there WAS a window. All the glass must have broke.

"And my neighbors the uh, Aoyama family, uh their son, came and looked out the window." The man went on. "As soon as the man saw Yuga, he curled the edges of his fingers and just rapidly throw explosions. One after another. Which I'm guessing is his quirk."

Yuga? Maybe it's a different one. The next interview was a women. She had red hair, and a nose ring. "I had just quit my job. I'm 19, and have a son, and I can't do night shift anymore. So I was driving home, it was just after sunset. When a spiky haired boy ran in front of me like a deer. I flipped him off, and he did the same. I just rolled my eyes and once I parked. An explosion on the Aoyama's house hold. It was dark so I didn't see much. I want to get inside before anything. And my son was crying so that's all I got to see..."

Then Yuga was on the TV. And that's when I realized I was still mixing my milk. He was texting rapidly. Once he looked up, my phone buzzed.

"Yeah, I just texted my girlfriend good night, when I heard the boom." Yuga began, Fixing his hair. "So I went to check it out. And like, nothing seems to wrong. So I glanced out the window. And it was hard to see the guy with only one street light. He had spiky hair. I didn't have much time til the next explosion, because once we made I contact I was blown to the back of my room. And he kept throwing his explosion with no mercy.."

"Who were you just texting?" The interviewer asked.

"My girlfriend." Yuga said with a smile.

"How is your family feeling..." The conversation kept going. But I went back to my room and got dressed. Yuga has to much of a ego to know who it was.

Before leaving, I checked my phone: 3 missed messages.

Yuga texted me "Good Night babe!" And sent me "I've been attacked! Check the news. Babe, wish you were here."

And the other one was mom saying she was coming home.

"I'll be back by dinner." I said to my mom before I took off to find Yuga. Which wouldn't be hard. I've seen his house before, never knowing it was his though.

Once I made it over, it seemed like Yuga was being interviewed again. He stopped when he saw me. Which was interesting, because he seemed to be that dude, that would do anything for a 'acting' role.

The camera he was with was on me, I just acted like it wasn't there. I looked at his house. His window was on the second floor, black ash was littering the ground. "Are you hurt, Yuga?"

"No. I just can't believe someone would.." Yuga began.

"Me too. But seriously, the glass would have hit you." I said looking at his arms to make sure.

"I'm so fabulous, I dodged the glass." Yuga said with a hair flip. I got onto my phone and called the smartest person I know. Who's hobby might be useful. I had a idea who did this but double checking won't hurt.

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