Not today

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I woke up to my alarm and not to my mother plotting an evil scheme. I pulled my hair into a pony tail and brushed my teeth like no other. Got dressed in UA's uniform and went down stairs.

Poured myself a quick glass of milk and pulled out a cherry poptart from the cabinet. I was in such a good mood nothing could stop me.

But- there's always a but.

I only had 7 minutes to get to class. So I rushed out yelling "Bye!"

I ran to UA as fast as I could. As the gate of UA started to show. So did a big crowd of people. Sato and Jiro were in the same mess I was: How do we get though without being late?

"Jiro, Sato." I said. "There's a hole here. And if Sato goes first he can create a bigger pocket, but they'll close it up soon after he passes. So we need to stay close."

"Right." Sato walked over and started walking. Me and Jiro huddled together behind him. We made it out alive.

"Thanks Sato! This would have been painful without you. Did you get hurt in that mess? I got poked with some elbows so I can't image what they did to you." I said smiling. Not wanting him to think we just used him.

"Are you alright?" Jiro said. I nodded.

"It was a good plan. No classmate left behind, except Bakugo.." Sato started. "I'm fine, they were more scared of me than I was of them."

I laughed his joke. On our walk to the classroom. Yuga caught up to us.

"Hey babe!" He said. Jiro and Sato looked at me. I know he was talking about me but I looked around as if it wasn't me. "I'm talking to you silly!"

"Hey Yuga we're not da-" Yuga me shut up by taking my hand. I was shocked. I tried to release his grip but he was impossible "sorry guys."

"Its ok." Jiro and Sato said at the same time. But they had the same tune of, Ima kill someone. I chose to ignore it.

I knew better than to fight with Yuga. He's impossible.

A few steps later.

"Get off of her!" Someone shouted and in a flash Yuga and me we're separated by Iida. Iida was facing me, holding my wrist in his chest, but delicately. Jiro and Sato were taken by surprise. He whispered in my ear before he nail at Yuga. "Sorry I didn't get here sooner. Haven't had much orange juice."

"That isn't acceptable. She doesn't even like you, be a gentleman" Iida barked at Yuga.

Then someone grabbed my waist and pulled me into them. It was sero. He pushed me behind him.

"How about you stop harassing her for once." Sero said 'shielding' me from Iida and Yuga.

"Sero, I wouldn't say harassed.." I said. But he didn't listen.

I slipped by him and kept walking to class 1-A. Jiro was one step ahead of me. Sato stayed behind, who knows what he's doing.

"Hey Y/N." Jiro said. I waved to her. She was a fast walker and already ahead of me when I left. So I ran, and I was out of breath. "I'm guessing you like to fight but hate the drama?"

I nodded. I pushed open class 1-A's door and Jiro walked in. Everyone was in the class room but sensei and the ones fighting outside. Me and Jiro smiled at ourselves.

Jiro went to her seat. Mina jumped up and walked over to me. "I have a class group chat I was wondering if I can have your number!"

"Sure. How many classmates do you have so far, Mina?" I asked writing my number on a scrap piece of paper I found on the floor.

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