Use sneeze attack!

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Vic was fine, she understood Denki couldn't see her. She joined me and Denki, as Denki studied my face. I turned from him and sneezed.

We looked around, Vic pointed at something. Or should I say someone.. Because it was Jiro and Momo. I nudged Denki and pointed like Vic had. "Kaminari, look."

I waved at Momo and Jiro, they saw me, looked at each other and ran towards Denki and me, as if their life depended on it. Which it kinda did, they were being followed by villains.

As Denki and I saw them, our guards went up, preparing to attack or be attacked. I caught Kaminari giving me a worried look, I took a deep breath, trying to swallow the urge to cough.

As Momo and Jiro reached us, We put our backs together, and started fighting off the mountain mosters on our 'side'. Jiro shouted at Denki, "Denki! Use your quirk!"

He shook his head, "I'll hurt Y/N! I mean- I'll hurt you, guys..?"

I flustered at his comment. But stayed silent. Momo joined the shouting, though she struggled because she was so focused, "I- I can create a tarp sort of thing to protect us!"

Momo, Jiro and I turned to glace at Denki, who hesitantly nodded.

"Someone cover me, I'll tell you when the tarp is finished!" I took Momo's spot and telepathically told Vic helpful attacks or what is behind her.

Momo was quickly done, and grabbed my wrist, I instantly put Vic back inside of me. Momo tugged me Jiro close to her as she pulled the cover over all of us. Momo barked at Denki, "Whenever you're ready! Don't get killed!"

I noticed Momo's shirt was not present. I didn't say anything, and just blushed. Under the tarp, I was leaning against Momo, I couldn't tell where Jiro was in the darkness. As I was in the tight space, I had the deadly urge to cough, but I just bit my lip.

I jumped as I heard the electricity Denki had done. Momo just pulled me closer to her, trying to calm me down. Though, I was calm, just got startled. I kept silent anyway, I didn't mind the comfort.

Momo hesitantly open the trap, to see a spaced out Denki. I looked around and smiled as most of the villians were dead or knocked out. Jiro looked at Momo. Momo looked down, "I can make another."

I got out under the cover and brushed off the dirt on my knees. Coughing a lot. Not able to hold it in anymore. Jiro came to my aid, supporting me. I gave her a weak smile as I finished hacking. "Are you trying to get sick, Jiro?"

She giggled and shook her head no. I smiled at her laughs. I stumbled as I walked towards lower ground, due to me being on a mountain and wanting to find the lobby. As I walked carefully, I looked behind me and said "We should find the others."

"You should take it easy." Momo said and came to support me so I didn't fall down the mountain. Jiro glared at Momo and grabbed Denki. Pulling him along with us as we traveled down the mountain. We slowly made our way to the layer of trees at the bottom of the mountain. I sneezed and coughed the whole time. Momo had created herself a now bra and a shirt. She also created a jacket and put it on me.

Denki was still out, Jiro sighed, "Looks like if we make it past these trees, we'll be back into the entrance."

"Lets stay close in case if there are more villians." Momo said seriously, pulling me closer to her almost protectively.

We all started walking into the small forest. Jiro still dragging Denki along. My eye lids felt heavy. I couldn't stop sniffling. I could feel my lips forming a frown.

Soon we made it to the open lobby. Jiro whisper yelling at Denki the whole time. No bad guys came after us, but if they did, I had a plan. I'd. Sneeze. On. Them. So. Hard.

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