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I woke up to my alarm clock yelling at me. I moaned and slowly got up, I walked to my bathroom, rubbing my eyes. My cheeks felt hot, and my nose was stuffy.

I ran a shower, and get myself clean. After that I brushed my teeth and hair. Being really slow today. Weird.

I got dressed in UA's uniform before I went to the kitchen, and grumpily poured some iced tea. I sipped my tea as I waited for my poptart.

As the poptart popped out, I got it from the toaster and began to eat it.

I got my stuff together, and realized I was already running behind today. I went to leave the house to go to school, until my father stops me. He put his hands on my cheeks. And frowned.

"Dad. I have to go." I grumbled, looking up at him.

He shook his head. "No, no your not. You are sick, You're staying home."

I moaned annoyed and walked past him, he tried to stop me. "You're gonna make me late."

He stopped trying to block me, and went his phone. Before I exited the house, I saw his phone to his ear.

I made my way to UA, worrying, 'Am I really sick?' I shrugged it off, and walked to UA, keeping my head down.

As I reached the best hero school, I began to have a sneeze fit. A sneeze and a sneeze, over and over again. I sneezed 5 times in a row, and it wasn't pleasant. My nose felt sore, I sniffed and wiped my nose with my sleeve.

No one was near the entrance of the school, which was odd. I checked my phone, to see the time. I had a few minutes, but I picked up my pace to class 1-A.

I struggled to open class 1-A's heavy door. My muscles weren't being kind today. I managed to open the door, and looked exhausted, because I was.

Sensei rushed over to me, his cold hand, touched my forehead, like my dad did this morning. He frowned, his hand trailed down to my check, frowning more. A put my hand on his, pale and large hand. His frown lessen. "Your father said you're sick."

I pushed up my glasses, sneezed. I open my mouth about to deny, but looked down and walked to my seat.

I sat down, and lowered my head. I felt peoples eyes on me, I just sniffed. Sensei bit his lip before speaking again. "Today we are going to do a rescue mission."

We filed onto a bus, I was the second to last one on. Iida had a plan picked out, I was suppose to sit next to him.

As I stepped onto the bus, I took my time, going slow. Sensei shoved me into the seat behind the bus driver, him sitting next to me. I groaned, unhappy. I got comfortable, him doing the same.

I stared out the window, sniffing a bit. The bus shortly started moving. "Y/N, if You're sick and don't feel up to do something. Just tell me and we can hang out until you feel up to do it."

I nodded at Sensei's comment. Looking into his eyes warily. He had his coffee in his right hand, his other hand, intermingled with mine. He was holding my hand and sipping on coffee. I look at him, and looked away, acting like it was nothing. My teacher isn't holding my hand, that's weird. No, my hot teacher isn't holding my hand, why would you think that?

[author note: i totally forgot this was a various x reader lol also im doing this at 2 in the morning so...]

After a short drive, the bus stopped. The talking in the back stopped as Sensei rose, bring me with him. He walked off the bus, causing me to follow.

We made our way to the lobby of the place, the class right behind us, none of which were smiling. I thought it was odd, then I saw Jiro's heated gaze on Aizawa and me holding hands. My cheeks redden, Sensei just tightened his grip around my hand.

There was a astronaut waiting for us. Thirteen. Aizawa tugged me along with him so he could talk to Thirteen. He looked down at me then turned to Aizawa and began talking.

I couldn't face my classmates, so instead I looked anywhere but to my right.

Thirteen and Sensei had finished talking, and thirteen went to talk to the class about safety rules and such.

"Uh, Sensei shouldn't I be over there..? Learning the rules with the others?" I asked looking up at Sensei.

He shook his head no. He put his hand on my forehead again. "You're pretty warm, I was probably going to have you sit out anyways."

My jaw dropped in disbelief. That quickly turned into a frown. "You can't do that! I can still fight! I'm not even sick!"

He just stared at me, like he was picking what to say, after a moment he spoke. "You'll do what I say."

I just glared at him, before I could yell in protest, a black dot had appeared and was getting bigger by the second. Gasp of classmates echo all around. Sensei grip tighten even more, he pulled my body closer to his protectively.

"Let- Lets get out of here." I muttered watching people, monsters walk out of the black portal. I said that, though I wanted to say in Aizawa arms, I felt safe.

"Thirteen get everyone to the exit! I'll hold them off." Aizawa shouted, he released me as Thirteen yelled for everyone to run. A looked at Sensei before running, he was going to fight, by himself.

"You dumbass!" I shouted at him, my eyes started to gloss over in tears. I wanted to puke, but I couldn't tell if that was because I was sick or I didn't want my teacher to die.

He looked at me, and didn't say anything. He started shouting orders at the other students, and Thirteen. The intruders from below began the classic villian rant.

"Y/N, hurry up!" Iida yelled at me, I coughed, annoyed at being yelled at. He ran over to me, picking me up baby style.

"I can walk Iida!" I squirmed in his grip.

"You're sick, I can carry you, it's fine." Iida said, running to the exit. I sighed and let him do as he pleased, I sneezed again.

A black shadow blocked the exit. Iida and I was the closest to it, Iida dropped me and pushed behind him.

The shadow started talking, "Greetings, we are the league of villains. Forgive our audacity, today we came to UA highschool this bastion of heroism.."

Iida pulled me closer to his back, I felt his muscles tensen up. I sneezed into the back of his shirt softly.

Then as fast as light, I was falling. I looked down to see where I would be landing. I was would landing on.. Rocks. I screamed in fear but it led to coughing.

I tried to release Vic, so she could catch me. Though I struggled since I was hacking so much. But Vic came out, and was ready to catch my falling body.

A few seconds before I would be on the ground, Vic was shoved away and her place was taken my Denki. His hands out, for me.

"Vic!" I shouted, not understanding what had all happen, I was in Denki's hands before I knew it. "Denki? Uh- thanks."

Denki smiled and set me down, I rubbed my forehead, my head was pounding. I looked around to see where I was. I was in the mountains. With Denki. How can this go wrong?

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