Only making love part 45

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*Julia's POV *

I'd written Ast a little note leaving it taped to his Xbox controller. Surely he'd see it here I thought out loud before picking up my car keys going to collect Kira from school. I'd had the day to myself so I'd tidied the whole house from top to bottom.

"Mummy!!" Kira yelled running towards me in the play ground "hey baba, did you have a good day?" I quizzed Kira "yeah! Where's my daddy?" Kira frowned looking round for Ast causing me to sigh softly. "He's at work honey. You will see him after dinner." "Why can't I see him at dinner?" Kira said in a confused tone. "Because we're going up to aunty Nisha' house. She's making us dinner tonight." "Yay I love aunty Nisha! Buuut I still wish daddy was there too." I crouched down to Kira' level "I bet he's wishing he could be with you at dinner time too." "And you mummy." I sighed remembering how Ast abruptly left the house this morning. "I'm sure he does. You can draw him a pretty picture at aunty nisha' house." "Okay mummy!" And with that Kira took my hand as we made our way down the path to my car.

"Hello you!" Nisha beamed as Kira ran towards her. "Aunty Nisha, aunty Nisha!" Kira giggled. "Hey Julia." "JJ? What are you doing here?" I questioned hugging JJ. "Oh yeah babe, I umm..." JJ wrapped his arms round Nisha. "Aghhhh I knew it!!!" I screamed happily. "JJ are you in love with aunty Nisha?" Kira asked as she innocently hugged JJ' legs. "I am. She's my princess." JJ bit his lip to witch Kira ignored running into Nisha' house. JJ played with the toys Kira had brought from home with her as I helped Nisha in the kitchen. "So missy! Got yourself a toy boy eh?" I teased "well it seems that way." Nisha giggled. "He's a lovely boy Nisha, got good taste in men babe." "He's so sweet look at the ring he's bought me." "Awh he's always been a babe. Even when we were at school." "Awh Julia, and when we make love.. Agh he's got the bigge-" "whoa, whoa, whoa! I already know I've seen!" I cut in stopping Nisha saying any more. "What! You? When? He's cheated on me!?" "God you do have your blonde moments Nisha! When we went out, that's how I know." "Oh, sorry babe." Nisha hugged me in apology. "It's ok." Pheww that was close. This girl deffo had her blonde moments. "Kira, JJ! Dinner." Nisha shouted as we placed plates onto the placemats. Both JJ and Kira came in holding hands. "Hey princess." "Hey mummy , you sit there I want to sit with JJ." "Ok sweetie." I smiled, I guess anything is better than her stropping because Ast isn't at dinner with us. "Oh no. Are you taking JJ?" Nisha joked. "Yes! He's been naughty so I'm going to punish him by making him sit with me." Kira smiled. She really had no idea how to be cruel to someone. That's good because that means I've not allowed her to be horrible to people. After dinner JJ wanted to go on a walk with Kira. I refused to go with them for being so tired from the night before. "You look shattered Julia." "That's because I am. And to top it off Ast hasn't really helped last nigh or this morning he's been so off with me." "Is that why he's not here now?" "Nah he stormed off to work this morning and I left him a note before I left home so.." I shrugged. After some time Kira ran in "mummy look what I've got. JJ bought me them!" "Awh JJ you spoil her. What do you say missy?" "Thank you JJ!" Kira hugged JJ's legs. "Mummy I'm tired can we go home soon?" Kira rubbed her eyes. I looked at my watch. "Flip! Nisha I need to get Kira home it's real late and Kira has school tomorrow." I felt real guilty poor Ast must be in bed by now it's half 11! We said our goodbyes and made our way home. I walked into a quiet house, Kira fast asleep in my arms. Carefully I carried her to bed and slowly changing her into her pjs. She's like me when it comes to sleep. She sleeps like the dead. I placed her cover over her going out the room leaving the door ajar, incase she wanted me in the night. I went into mine and Ast's room leaving the light off. It's only fair if Ast was asleep. Striping Down to my underwear finding one of Ast's tops and putting it on before slipping into bed. "I'm sorry baby." I started before going to cuddle up to Ast. Why could I still move closer. I switched the lamp on. "What the fuck?" I whispered to myself. Where on earth is Ast!

I'm going to try to update as much as possible big love Julia xxxx

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