Only making love part 70

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A big thank you to all of you who have either commented, voted and fanned! Shout out @1993Emma_'s fanfic

Invisible! If you liked my fanfic, I promise you will love hers! We'd both really love it if you could read it and give feedback and some votes...maybe even fan her if your feeling lovely!

*ast's pov*

Its real good to be back at home with my family. I think my mum felt kind of glad to have me gone. Not in a bad way, it's just she hated seeing Julia and I so distant and Kira caught in the middle. Kyle is developing more and more each day. He's a truly amazing son anyone could wish for. I had interviews all morning, I wasn't too happy about that because I'd rather be home with my girlfriend and my son and daughter. Kyle was still very small but he'd grown and put on weight since birth so that's good. Kira was trying her best to be really involved with looking after Kyle. Kira gets upset when we tell her she can't do something because only adults can do them. I guess that's normal for a five year old right? Anyway it was getting later and later before I left so I did a quick goodbye kiss to Kira, Julia and Kyle before dashing to my car and leaving.

*Julia's pov*

Ast has been gone for most of the day. Kira has been a little star helping me out and Kyle has been mardy wanting to always be held and cuddled. I managed to get both children to have an afternoon nap while I relaxed for an hour. Being a mum is hard work, don't get me wrong. I love kira and Kyle so much but just a little time to myself is always welcomed. I sat down with a snuggle blanket round me as I tweeted Megan. As stupid as it sounds since that day in Asda when I met Megan we became good friends. She calls me her older sister now because she won't ask her mum when she has she DM's me instead. Ast walked through the door. He was really shocked by the quietness. "Where are the children baby?" "Having a nap in bed." I beamed "what both of them?" "Yeah. Shocking isn't it?" "Yeah it is." Ast and I cuddled on the sofa while Ast told me about his day. About 3pm Kira came down giggling and running to ast. "Whatcha giggling at miss Kira?" "Kyle! He's so lazy daddy." Kira hugged Ast tight. "Awh yeah see your the best and you come and give daddy cuddles." "Don't let her head get too big." I giggles getting up hearing Kyle cry. A few minutes later I came down stairs and Ast was saying goodbye to someone on the phone. Feeding Kyle I gave Ast a questioning look. "Tonight...7pm... Me and you...Benvenuti restaurant, sound good?" "I love that restaurant. A good Italian diner for two... What about the kids?" "JJ." I laughed slightly. "JJ with two kids and one of them newborn. Is that a good idea?" Ast laughed. "I get what you mean but he'll be fine. He's had experience with his cousins." "Ok then Benvenuti it is."

"If kyle wakes there's pumped milk in the fridge and um don't let Kira stay up too late." I told JJ as we left the house. Ast laughing at my overprotective "Julia come on. JJ will be fine trust me." I sighed giving in as we got into Ast's car and drove to the restaurant. We had ordered and were talking to each other as we waited for our food. "Babe I'm really sorry about how I acted. It was wrong and unbelievably stupid. I didn't even love Renay." I looked down at my hands and played nervously with my fingers. "I want you to know I'm not that man anymore. I'm a man who loves his family deeply and would do anything to protect them. Not hurt them." Ast lifted my head up with his finger under my chin. "I'm your boy Julia. I'm gonna grow old with you. Your the only one I want and need. I love you." "I love you too Ast. I wanna grow old with you too. Your my world without you everything seems wrong. I need you in my life." "I'm gonna be there forever and a day. I promise you." Ast paid for the bill and we left hand in hand walking towards home. We walked in quietly so we wouldn't wake the kids. When we reached the lounge we could hear slight snores JJ was lay flat out on the sofa, Kira snuggled up next to him and Kyle flat out in the Moses basket. Ast and I took out our phones taking a picture of them three all asleep. Giggling quitely while hugging each other. I got a blanket and put it over JJ and Kira while Ast pulled kyles cover up as he'd kicked it off. We headed to bed smiling softly at JJ's antics. I snuggled close to ast as we slowly fell into a sleep.

Hope I'm not slacking too much?! Julia. Xxx

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