Only making love part 67

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*Julia's pov*

I opened the door to reveal JLS stood in front of me. So this was why Kira was so excited... "Hey guys." The boys broke into a song.

(Imagine the lines sung slowly. Like he sings let me love you by mario- sorry its crap I just made it up)


I know I was wrong,

I never meant to hurt you,

Baby I learnt from my mistakes

*reesh and marv*

My mistakes, baby I was so wrong.


I cheated on you,

Forgetting all I had,

And now I'm begging you,

I'm on my knees.


My knees baby, baby I'm on my knees


I wanna make things right,

I wanna make you my wife,

See our children run around,

If only you will take me back.

Baby I'm sorry.

"Baby?" Ast asked waiting for me to talk. A tear fell from my eye and rolled down my cheek. "Ast..I...that was beautiful." "Me and the boys have been planning this for the last month. Baby it's killing me, I feel so bad for cheating on you and all the yelling I did. You see the thing is...without you I'm nothing. I need you." Kira had dragged the boys inside and there was just myself and Ast stood on the door step. I smiled at Ast. "I need you too, we need you. All three of us." "So can we start over? Be a family. The one we once were?" I nodded slightly. "As long as it's me you want?" "I want you and our children. Nobody else gets a look in." "I'm not saying everything will carry on as normal, you know ill always know you had sex in our bed with some girl you know." "I know and I'm not expecting us to be all happy families. It takes time I understand baby." "Yeah. Kira has missed her daddy. So have I." I whispered the last bit. "I missed you both too." Ast stepped forwards putting his hands on my bump and kissing me. I placed both my hands on his face and kissed Ast back. All the butterflies and fireworks were going off inside my stomach. Ast looked at me, the one way that just melted my insides. "I'm sorry baby." He sighed. "It's done now. Don't be sorry. We will work things out." We went inside, Kira was playing with the boys. Ast took hold of my hand, I looked at him as he winked at me. Walking into the lounge the boys looked from our hands to our faces. "So um. What's happening here then?" JB questioned. "We're giving it another go." I told them "yeah. I've got my girl back now. Thanks to you guys. Ast told them. "Daddy!" Kira hugged Asts leg. Ast bent down and picked her up kissing her cheek lovingly.

*Ast's pov*

I asked Reesh and jay if they'd go shopping for Julia. It was about 1:00pm we'd been here for most of the day. Julia offered to feed us all. I haven't seen Kira so happy until today. The boys left after dinner giving their thanks and hugging us. For the first time in a month Julia and I put Kira to bed together. We went downstairs and had a long chat and a cuppa before I left to go home. I was just hopping things would soon be back to normal. Would Julia still marry me? I didn't want to ask her yet...I've only just got her back. She'd think I was rushing things.

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