Only making love part 49

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*Ast's POV*

"RENAY!?" "Uh hmm.." "What are you doing here! If anybody sees us were busted!" "Hush ya lips Merrygold." "Seriously get in my car!" I unlocked my car throwing my bits and bobs in the boot and got in myself. "Did you get my text baby?" I frowned "what text?" "The one I sent to your phone?" I searched for my phone. Shit! I must have left it at home. "Shit I think it's at home." "Awh it's ok. Julia wouldn't go through your phone. You're mr perfect" "I guess not." "Miss me?" Renay pouted. "Of course baby." I smiled moving a piece of hair from her face. "I missed you too Asty." Renay bit her lip before placing her hand on my thigh rubbing it forwards and backwards. I lent in giving Renay a long but urgent kiss. Our tongues battling against each other. "Hmm Asty drive to mine and we can catch up for your list time today." Ugh this girl is so tempting although I do feel a bit guilty, but seriously I can't say no. "Hm ok put your seatbelt on." I mumbled into the kiss. I pulled away smiling I know this is unfair on Julia. We've been meeting up in private places a lots of times this past month. I told Julia I was at the studio Monday evening, I wasn't I was with Renay. Renay put her seat belt on and rested her hand on my thigh. "How's little Kira?" "She's fine." I smiled even though Kira isn't Renay' child she always asked how she is. I think it's really sweet. Renay is so lovely. I parked up in Renay's garage and we both went inside. "Come on lil man." Renay winked as she took my hand guiding me upstairs. "Such a bad girl." I giggled. "Only for you" Renay whispered in a seducing tone. I kissed Renay passionately as we worked our way towards her room.

*Julia's POV *

This morning has been lovely! Me and my main girls went to this really nice spa and got lots of special treatments done. I've just made myself a coffee and put it in the living room before quickly washing and drying mine and Kira's plates. The door went a few minutes later. I answered the door it was my midwife. "Come in, can I get you a drink?" "Oh water would be lovely please." "Ok, make yourself at home." "Thanks." I got the glass of water and gave it to the midwife. "How are you is everything going ok?" "Yeah everything seems ok but I'm finding it hard to sleep ah night." "Ah this is very normal, all you can do is grin and bare it." "Really? Because when I had Kira I never experienced this." "Can I do an ultra sound?" "Be my guest." The ultra sound showed everything was ok. "Baby seems small miss Roos but I'm sure everything is fine." "I've not even had baby yet and it's already taking after daddy." "He's short?" "You bet ya."

We burst into laughter just as Ast and Kira walked in. The midwife looked shocked. "H.. Hi. I... I'm the midwife." She shook Ast's hand. "I'm daddy." He grinned. Why is he so cute? "And I'm big sister! I'm going to look after my babe." Kira looked up hands on hips. "I.. That was certainly a shock to the system." The midwife laughed. "Oh my gosh I did t realise you hadn't met my daughter and fiancée." I smiled "Awh it's ok. What a lovely supprise. What's your name sweetie?" She bent down to Kira. "Kira- Belle Merrygold." Ast's arms slipped round my waist. "I love you boo." He whispered into my ear. "I love you too." I lent in to kiss him he kissed me back. There was a slight urgency in the kiss, I giggled. "Asty later." "But I want you now." We whispered to one and other. Kira looked up at us and smiled. "They are my mummy and daddy, does my picture look alike?" "Yeah of course. Is this baby?" The midwife pointed to kira's drawing of Julia's fat tummy. "No you can't see the baby. its still in mummy's tummy because it hasn't come yet." Kira frowned not understanding that the midwife was asking if the big tummy symbolised the baby bump. "I'll be off now. Ring the hospital if anything is worrying you about your baby." "Ok thank you." Ast let me out of his grip and I saw the midwife out. I feel so terrible.... I forgot her name!

Is Ast doing right by being all lovey dovey with julia? Of will it just cause more upset? Julia xxxx

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