Only making love part 46

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*Ast's POV*

Ohhh fuck my head was my first thought. "Julia. Baby I love you." I grinned to myself sleepily " Asty, mmm kiss me." I obliged. Then I felt an unshaved upper lip and snapped my eyes open. "Fuck chris! What the fuck, seriously!" Chris laughed. In case you guys were wondering, chris is a childhood friend of mine, we used to live on the same street and our mums were best mates. Our mums used to give us little play dates at eachothers houses. We even went through high school together. Chris always got me out of bad situations just as I did if he got into one. "Thank you chris. You brought me home trashed from the club." Chris said to himself but loud enough for me to hear. "What chris?" I asked confused. "I brought you home from the club last night." "Oh, chris thanks mate." "Mate please tell me you used protection last night?" "What?" "Ast I caught you at 'it' with rsome blondie, matchstick chick." I face planted my hand. "Jenni.." "We'll this Jenni bird best have insisted you use protection." "I need to go home. Chris thank you so much." Even though chris is a good mate I thought it would be too early to tell him there is no me and Julia anymore. I'm trying to get it to sink in that she walked out with my daughter and unborn child last night. My heart aches. I man hugged chris "thanks bro, I'm sorry if I was hassle for you." "Nah you were no bother honestly." "Cheers, text you later." "Ok bro." Swiftly yanking my hood over my head avoiding paps as much as possible but failing as I hopped into the taxi. "Where to mate." The driver asked. "Top of Peterborough road please." "You know we're still on tariff 2(Late night time pay rate) at this time in a morning." "Yeah, yeah. Moneys no object." An hour and a half later I found myself stood outside Julia's house. Frowning I walked into the lounge and plonked myself onto the couch. Looking at all the pictures of Kira, Julia and I in frames all around the room I sighed before looking at my hands as a few tears escaped my eye. Wait what's this taped to my controller! I took it off it was a letter. I opened it it read...

-Asty. Nisha invited me and Kira to dinner I won't be back too late, we need to talk about last night calmly. Love you billions. Forever yours. Julia xxxxx -

Fuck my life... I heard movement so I got off the sofa to be charged into by my five year old daughter. "Daddy you missed aunty Nisha and uncle JJ last night! I drew you a picture." "Whoa. Get cha breath back." I laughed. I now have to pretend last night never happened. "Daddy, I missed you." "I missed you too princess." "Kira! What are you doing? Come and get dressed!" Julia shouted. I took Kira upstairs. "Boo?" I called out looking in to kira's room to see Julia laying out Kira's uniform. "Hey baby.' "AST!" Julia got up and walked towards me. "How was work you must be real tired." "Ugh yeah fine. We kept getting things wrong so we had to stay later and later." I fake yawned. "Why are you lying? Aston you obviously came in got changed and went clubbing." Julia frowned, shit I forgot I'd got changed before going out. What do I say? "Nah babe. We were messing around on our lunch break at 3:00 so I changed in the toilets because my top smelt of sweat." Julia looked me up and down in disgust "Kira got dressed sweetie. Aston come out of Kira's room and talk to me." I walked out of Kira's room and into our bedroom Julia following behind. "You can stop lying you know." "I'm not!" "Aston I can see right through you. I know your lying." "I'm not lying I swear." "So why can I smell alcohol on your body." "Ugh fine ok me and some mates went out after I finished work and I stayed at chris' house!" Ok so I still wasn't telling the complete truth but Julia seemed to believe me. "Do what you gotta do Ast I'm going to meet Roch and Chloe. Ill see you sometime tonight, whenever YOUR home."

Yep there's deffo a hint on 'your' I sighed as Julia walked out the room, the door was open enough to see Kira running this way. "Daddy! I'm going to school now. Can we play tea party later?" "Yeahh! I can't wait to play that later." I grinned. Even though Julia and I are in a rough patch doesn't mean I have to be cold on my daughter. I feel so guilty about last night but I can't tell Julia. I'd loose the woman I love and my children....

Oh dear is Ast really doing this for the best or could things ce crashing down? Julia xxxx

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