Only making love part 41

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*Julia's POV*

All of us were really excited for the baby, I'm now just over 6months gone. I'm fat, hormonal and short tempered. I know that Roch is close to her due date now she said she feels fat and she wants her figure back. Marv and Ast have been attending anti-natal yoga classes with us. They messed about pretending they were giving birth and being silly so got themselves kicked out the session, Roch and I were so embarrassed that we left early and didn't go back. Today Ast has gotten a photo shoot, not just any old one though. No this one consists of me, Ast and Kira also some for the boys. Then there's a group one in the end. "Kira are you ready to go!" "No mummy wait!" I wondered what she was doing and where is Ast! I came downstairs both Ast and Kira were sat playing FIFA. "Come on children were going to be late!" "We won't babe. Two more minutes then we will go?" "Ugh fine! Kira shoes and coat please!" "But mummy..." "Kira-Belle Merrygold don't but mummy me." I rolled my eyes "daddy..." "Listen to mummy Kira." "Why do you get to though?" "Because I'm an adult." "Only sometimes Merrygold.." I smirked Kira frowned jumping off the sofa and bringing me her sparkly silver shoes to help her put on. "Eh!" Ast pouted. "Ohhh." I moaned sharply "Baby are you ok?" Ast panicked. "Yeah baby just kicked." I giggled causing Ast to switch off FIFA and lift my top stroking my bump "hello little one, this is your daddy talking. I can't wait to meet you and your big sister is so excited to meet you. Daddy is going to teach you all the little things about how to treat a lady and if you are a little girl ima treat you like a little princess." Ast said in a baby voice. He placed his head on my tummy. "You do know if baby kicks it's gunna hurt your pretty face mr?" I smiled. Bam as if on que the baby kicked Ast laughed hard. " wow that's one powerful baby. Kira's kicks were never that hard." I

Giggled at Ast. "mummy I want to feel!" Kira pleaded. "Come here then." Kira skipped over and placed her hand on my growing bump. "It isn't kicking!" Kira frowned "wait a second I bet the baby will do one just for you." After about five minutes kira's face lit up. "Mummy baby kicked, baby kicked!" Kira beamed. Ast and I smiled before leaving the house. We arrived at the place of the photo shoot. "Finally bruv! Why are you so late?" Marv questioned. Yep as usual we were late. "Ah baby stuff." Ast smirked. "Sure bro." Reesh rolled his eyes "Awh bro don't be like that." Ast frowned a little the lads loosened up and soon forgot about it having a laugh and a joke with one another. "Lads I need group photos of you please." Their manager said sternly. Sometimes I wondered how they coped with him, he can be a miserable sod at times. "Love you baby boy." I told Ast as he stood. "I love you more mama Merrygold." Ast gently but quickly kissed me going for the photo shoot, there were then just me, Sav and Roch with Kira talking to entertain each other. "Ladies please be quiet!" Some guy shouted at us. "Yo. Yano that mike you got there?" Roch started pissed. "Yeah?" The guy looked at the mike then Roch. "It's gonna go where the sun don't shine...." Roch warned him, don't ask why he has a mike in his hand because I don't know. I could see Ast and Marv trying to stifle their laugh while Reesh and JB were on the floor in tears laughing at the guys reaction. However Sav and I bit our lip to keep straight faces that went well eventually we ended up laughing as the boy' laughs became quickly infectious.

*Ast's POV *

Eventually we all managed to stop laughing and have our pictures done. "Ast, Julia and Kira family photo." My manager announced. Julia stood infront of me so I stood behind her. I placed one hand on Julia's growing bump while the other hand took one of kira's hands. Julia however held one of Kira's hands and her other hand was resting on the back of my neck. "Perfect...awhh cute...Kira look to mummy and daddy smiling. Awhh lil heartbreaker!" We're the words coming out of the photographers mouth. Then there was a pregnant couples shoot (me, reesh and Marv with Julia Sav and Roch) and a short interview with bliss and then TOTP mag. About 4:00pm we went home. "Daddy daddy!" Kira yelled "yes yes?" "I love you lots and lots!" I smiled to myself while parking up in our garage. "Daddy loves you millions more baby." Kira giggled. "I'm stuck!" Kira panicked I wonder if she's just realised there's child lock on the back doors. "Baby it's child lock wait a second mummy will let you out." I said softly. Kira's panicked face softened. "Daddy can we have chocolate biscuits please?" "Kira no. You are having a nandos with me and mummy." I replied, "I WANT BISCUITS!" Kira shouted as we entered the house, crossing her arms and pouting in frustration. "Kira don't get stroppy. If you eat all your nandos then you can have a biscuit for dessert" "ok."

We sat eat the table finishing nandos when Kira smiled craftily. "Daddy I finished now. Please can I have my biscuit now?" "I think that because you ate all your nandos beautifully you can have a biscuit. Do you agree mummy?" I smiled at Julia. "Of course." Julia got up and got the little biscuit tin from the cupboard Kira got up and went to Julia. "Thank you mummy." Julia whispered into kira's ear I smiled to myself. My family is so perfect. "Here you go daddy. You were a very good boy." Kira passed me a chocolate biscuit. "Why thank you princess." I said in a posh voice placing a kiss on kira's cheek.

Ok so I'm real sorry I haven't posted for a few days and also I apologise that this part isn't amazing. I promise it's gonna get better. Something is going to happen soon :-) love you all xxx Julia

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