Only making love part 63

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*Julia's pov*

"Ok ready?" "Yep!" "Got your school bag?" "Nope." "KIRA! God child come on go and find it?" "I..I... Ok" I waited for Kira to come back. About 3 minutes later she came back with her bag. "Right come on." "Do we have to?" "Yes mummy's going to see Sean and you have school." "I could always see daddy while you're with sean?" "No." "I'm not going!" "You are." Anyone would have thought I was going to see Sean as a girlfriend the way Kira was acting. I'm not. He's my manager. "Right come on then." I smiled taking Kira's hand.

"Ok sweetie have a good day." I kissed Kira and watched her go into school. "Bye mummy. See you soon." "Bye baby."

"Hello Julia." "Hey morgana." "Sean's in his office. Go up and see him." Yeah she's pretty straight to the point and cold hearted. That's just her, she's like that with everyone. "Sean how are you?" "I'm good how are you?" I looked at my bump and raises a brow. "Surprisingly good." "Are you certain that you want this job?" Sean raised a brow "Yes, money needs to come in. Although Leon is giving me maternity pay I need to provide as a single mum for my babies." I replied confidently. There was a slight pause. It was as if Sean was deep in thought. "Right well you best get packing. Because I've booked your flight for you and Kira. You are going to love it in America." Wait what? A massive grin was playing on my lips. "Thank you so much! It will give us a break from Aston constantly pestering us." "It's a 31/2month contract then your back in England." Sean smiled "when do we leave?" I questioned. "Saturday." "This saturday?" "Yeah Saturday morning at 6am a taxi will arrive for you and take you both to the airport. Monday you relax Tuesday Kira starts a new school and you start work." "Thank you so much Sean!" "Thank Tynisha... She's the reason you have this opportunity." "I will do! I can't wait and it will do both Kira and I some good." "Yeah. Somedays ill pop round to your house and we will have a catch up and basically just a progress meeting." "My house? But my house is in England." "Babe we got you a house in America too. Plus for the next three months ill be in America with you." "This is so surreal. I love it." "Me too. You might get stalked by the press and paps because you still have connections with Aston. Mainly because your loved by many people." "But I'm just a dancer. I've not done anything special but do little parts in Nisha' songs." "There you go, babe that's the reason you got this opportunity." The next minute some lady came into Sean's office rawring and raging. "I'm gonna go." I told Sean receiving a nod I left. I walked out of Sean's office feeling like a completely different woman. Not the woman who split with a teen heartthrob because he cheated and was now a single mum to two children.

Now at home with a coffee I decided to go and check twitter. I had a DM from Megan. Since that day in Asda we had stayed in contact, I decided to tell her my news. I was feeling very happy for once in a while. After a long chat with Megan and answered other DM's and tweets I wrote a tweet.

- feeling so happy right now! Been offered a contract in America and I'm taking it! The next three months in America with Kira and bump. #highlife love you all. Julia xxx-

*Ast's pov*

I locked my phone after my call finished with Reesh. "That bitch, CONOR THE BITCH!" I shouted tears rolling down my cheeks. Conor looked at me confused. "Who Ast?" "JULIA!" I sobbed. "What's going on?" My mum came in. "MUM!" I ran and fell at her feet crying hugging her legs. "MUM SHE....SHE'S GOING TO AMERICA!" "How do you know?" "BECAUSE I FOUND OUT FROM ONE OF MY BEST FRIENDS!" I sobbed. "Baby it's ok. Mums here." Mum got on her knees and hugged me. "Mum I need her." "I know baby. You should go round there later and talk with her." For about an hour I sat on the floor with my mum having cuddles. I'm really glad my mum is helping me, without her I'd be a worser wreck than I am right now. "I'm gonna go over to see Julia mum." I looked up at mum. "Ok baby. Be careful." Conor must have left me and mum to it a he wasn't in my room. I saw him just as I got to the bottom step of the stairs. "I'm sorry if I scared you before." I told him leaving the house.

I arrived outside Julia's, I'd been preparing what to say all the way here. I still wasn't too sure what I was going to say but I kinda had a brief idea. I knocked on Julia's door. After a few minutes the door swung open. "Hear me out?" I begged causing Julia to roll her eyes and let me in. "Where's kira?" "She's at mums." "Oh." I replied looking to the floor. "So what did you want?" Julia abruptly asked. I snapped my head up as tears brimmed in my eyes. "Please don't leave? I'm sorry I cheated and I just really miss you. I want to be a dad to my children." Julia sighed. "Ast..." "Please! This is America were talking about!" "But I need the money! It's only three months." "Only!? Julia 'only three months' is fucking lifetime to me." "Ast you have until Friday to see Kira." "Julia it's bloody Wednesday today!" Julia shrugged. "Deal with it?" "I can't Julia... I'm so unhappy without you." "We won't work. It's time you understood that." "No, no it's not! I will not leave until you hear me out!" "I'm hearing you ok?" "So why are you so determined to leave!" "Because I signed the contract! I have agreed to go!" "And if you go into labor?" "Then I go into can't be helped." "So I'm not involved in my second child's birth either!? That's not fair! I want to experience the whole 'birth' thing. Even if you don't get back with me I want contact with my children." "Yes fine you can see them." "And I want you back..." I studied her face carefully. "But I don't want you." Julia turned away. She's got her walls up. I need to break them but its proving difficult. "Please just be my girl Julia. Let me make things right... Be a family again." "Fine ill think about it when I'm in America." "Ok, I just hope you'll take me back." "I'll see." "It's late so ima go, before mum sends out a search party..." I walked towards the door. " I miss you both so much..." I frowned walking out the door. When I got home John was still up. Mum had long gone to bed. To be honest I didn't really want to talk about my love life with John so I went to bed and told mum the next day.

Ok so a longer part. What do you guys think? Hoping to finish this story soon I have drafts of a new story so I hope you'll all read that when its out? Love you so much! Julia xxx

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