Only making love part 51

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*Julia's pov*

Poor Ast looked so drained yesterday after he came back from work. He said that he felt really sick and physically also mentally drained. Ast was in bed for about 9:00pm. When I went up to check on him he was well untruly flat out also spread out across the bed.

I put the heating on for half an hour while I was on twitter with Matthew. Matthew is my 27year old brother. He lives in Middlesbrough. We had a really big catch up. He told me he's got a new job in a club as a bartender. Apparently it's really good and he enjoys it. Matthew didn't know that mum and dad were back together however once I told him he was not pleased about it. I wonder weather that's why mum didn't tell him, to be honest I can completely understand my brother. Our dad is totally and utterly useless. The baby began to kick so I decided that I'd give my bump a bit of a massage before I went to bed. I turned off the heating and walked upstairs to bed. I slept in the spare room and for once I actually had a good night sleep.

*Ast's pov*

Oh my god yesterday was amazing. Renay really knows how to leave me wanting more. When I turned up at Renay's house she was wearing a silky dressing gown it was quite short and her legs were on show. WOW it really turned me on. Renay handed me a large glass of vodka. At first I was like straight vodka? Then I just knocked it back. Renay shocked me a bit because I hadn't expected her to jump on me. In the end I carried her upstairs and we continued. Julia called to see when I was going to be home it was about 6:00pm when she rang. We managed to have round 4before having a quick round 5 in the shower before I left. I was absolutely worn out, but that's understandable right? I got up and Julia was downstairs Kira had gone to school. It"s 10:30am why didn't Julia wake me up. "Boo why didn't you wake me?" "You were so tired Ast. Kira came and gave you a kiss before she left for school." "Did she?" "Yeah, I ended up having to explain why you wouldn't wake up." "Bless her." "I'm going to record with Nisha in Sony later babe so you can entertain yourself for a few hours." Julia bit her lip. "What! Julia why?" I frowned "because Nisha's manager wants me to do a duet with her." Julia jokingly replied. "You're supposed to be taking things easy. You're pregnant." I rubbed Julia's bump. "Yes Ast pregnant. Not bloody disabled." "I worry boo. I'm sorry." "Awh Asty..." Julia hugged me gently and kissed me. We went on a shopping trip and had lunch out. I drove us home and Julia went to Sony studios. I did a bit more work on the nursery before a well deserved sit down. I picked up my phone and dialled a number...."hey, fancy popping round? Could do with the company." I spoke into my phone and bit my lip.

Who could he be talking to? Julia xxxx

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