Only making love part 68

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*asts pov*

It's a week since I've been back together with Julia. I'm round at JJ's house having a lads night with him and some others. "Yo bro when's Julia due?" Chris my friend asked. " um January the...15th, no 12." "Mate the 12th has well passed. Julia is way over due! I wouldn't know if it was the same with Kira, I'm ashamed to admit that I wasn't there. The rest of the night we played various games on the Xbox, had a few beers and shared many stories about loved ones. Around half twelve I left and went home. I took my clothes off and got into bed. Mum and John were fast asleep as were Conor and Courtney. I turned off my lamp and lay down to go to sleep. Just as I started to nod off I received a text. I ignored it and tried to get to sleep. Music bleared out from my phone. "What the fuck. People are trying to sleep you know!" I cursed mumbling under my breath immediately taking it back when I saw who was calling me...

*Julia's pov*

I am way over due with this baby. I'd experienced this with Kira too so I wasn't over worried. Things are really starting to get back to normal with Ast. Kira seems more relaxed and somewhat happier now Ast and I weren't constantly down each others throats. I'd gotten Kira to bed she's been real moody and annoyed at everything. Even at me for helping chop her meat at dinner for her. I think Kira had been disappointed that she hadn't seen her dad today as he'd had work and things to do before going out. I'd put Kira to bed and was now sat comfortably with hot chocolate in hand watching the soaps.

By the end of Eastenders I was beginning to feel uncomfortable. Ignoring my uncomfortableness I text Ast.

~hey. Kira missed you today you should pop round tomorrow, it'd make her smile. :-) xxx Julia~

It's only early but I felt tired. I need some sleep.

In bed I shut my eyes gently rubbing over my bump to ease the uncomfortable feeling I had, eventually it doing the trick I had a sleep. I woke up hours later feeling 100 x more uncomfortable than I had done before falling to sleep. I quietly tip toe down stairs and got the carton of raspberry and cranberry juice from the fridge and took a long drink. Putting the empty carton into the bin I stood and looked out the window a while hoping to take my mind off the uncomfortable feeling. I felt water trickle down my leg...ah finally! I needed to call roch and Ast. I called Rochelle explaining that I needed someone to mind Kira tonight she and Marv agreed to come round and watch Kira. I rung Ast his phone rang a few times before being asnwered.

J- Julia A-Ast

A- hello? Aston speaking.

J- I know who you are. Ast come round now.

A- Julia! Is everything ok!?

J- Aston just come and pick me up. We need to go to the hospital.

A- Julia just tell me everything is ok?

J- yes! Look my water has broken, this baby is coming.

A- I'm coming now.

J- hurry please

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