Only making love part 48

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*Julia's POV*

After mine and Ast' little slip up last week everything seems back on track. I had my first parents evening Monday night. Ast was busy working so I begged for my mum to have Kira. I went alone to Peterborough infant school. They said Kira was very bright and always tried her hardest in her lessons. I must say I was quite relieved when they told me that after the Snooki incident Kira was soon back on track. I wondered home that night and went to bed as I was really drained and I don't really seem to be able to get comfortable at night because of my pregnancy. Also it was too late to pick Kira up. I'm having a home visit with the midwife tomorrow so hopefully she will suggest somethings to help me. Ast is in the studios tonight so he said he'd come and snuggle when he was done. Kira is flat out in bed and there's me with my music on quietly lip- syncing the words to each song while stroking my baby bump. I must have fallen asleep because the next time I woke up Ast was in bed next to me, sleeping in the featal position. I let out a small giggle. "Mummy...DADDYYYY!!!" Kira screamed she sounded really scared. Ast sat up "ill go baby." He groaned "psttt, Ast." "Hmm?" "Put some pants on will ya? Or she'll scream more." "Oh yeah. Ill just take the cushion." Ast went into Kira's room with a cushion over his manhood. A few minutes later he came back. "Is she ok now?" "Yeah. Just a dream." Ast climbed into bed softly pressing his lips against mine before going back off to sleep. I however wasn't going to sleep anytime soon. I lay awake wishing 'trouble' would let me sleep. Eventually I drifted back into dream land.

*Ast's POV*

I'm going out today Julia is still asleep. I guess she had a bad night. I'm missing the midwife thingy to be in the studio. Hopefully she will give Julia some help on sleeping. I can tell its begging to upset Julia and she just wants to sleep all the time. I'm supposed to do 8hours today. Seriously that's just mainly collaborating and writing! I left the house quietly as Kira was still asleep and Julia obviously had a rough night. I arrived at 'Little Stars' at 5:30am, 'Little Stars' is a hospice for children between the age of 2-7years of age. There aim is to make a child's wish come true. These children are seriously ill with cancer, tumours and some children with lots of life threatening illnesses. "Ah JLS. We're glad you would do this for us and the children are so excited! I'm head nurse Jacqueline." "Hello. We're just as excited to meet them." I smiled. "We can't wait to see there little faces light up. It makes us happy that they are happy." JB said "it's just amazing to be able to do this'd or these truly wonderful children." Reesh said straight to the point. "This is our way of giving these children the best experience of their lives." Marv smiled. As we visited loads of different children we were given a little information about there illness and had a little chat and cuddle with each child. One child we met his name was Brandon, he was only just 2 years old and his illness was so severe, he'd only been given another 4months to live. He was so cute. We all got emotional. This child had not even lived or learnt much about life yet and he may never get the chance to.

After an hour we had seen almost every child in the hospice. We had to leave for the studio. We were emotional wrecks. In the studio we managed to come up with a few good lyrics and we were asked to take part in singing a part for a charity single called 'teardrops'. By the end of the day I was really shattered. I was last out the studio. The lads had gone before me because they had finished there recording because technically they had easier parts and I kept messing up. On the way out to my car I dropped my car keys "shit." I mumbled to myself. I guess it deserves me right for trying to balance all my files, paper notes and iPad in my hands. I bent over to pick up my keys when I heard a voice I recognised. "we have to stop meeting like this. How many times is this now, in the past month?" The person giggled....

Oh dear who could she be? Any ideas

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