Only making love part 56

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*Ast's pov*

"Baby, oh baby what's wrong?" My mum frowned pulling me into her arms. "Mum I'm such an idiot! I cheated with 2girls and.. And I've lost Julia and my children." I sobbed into my mums arms. "What'd ya do that for Aston? That girl loves the bones off you." Mum rubbed my back as I hugged her sobbing. So what I'm 24! I still need my mum too. "I.. I can't answer that. Do you know why? Because I didn't be bloody grateful for what I had!" "You haven't lost her all yet. Aston you are going round to see that girl in the morning. You will beg for one last chance and talk with her." "She won't listen mum. She hates me. Mum she called the wedding off." I stammered. "Aston she's angry." "She caught me mum. She caught me shagging Renay." "Jesus Aston! You are going to have to work real hard to get Julia back now. It's not too late." "It is though! I AM NEVER GOING TO SEE KIRA OR MY BABY AGAIN!!" I shouted "you will if you bloody listen to me. I'm going to help you get Julia back ok?" "Ok mum I'm sorry. I didn't mean to shout. It's all my fault." I sniffled. "You're a mess we will start sorting out things tomorrow ok. I promise I'm gonna be with you every step of the way." My mum frowned pulling her fingers through her hair. "Mum I love Julia.... I made Kira cry... What if something happens to the baby.... What if Julia leaves and gets with somebody and my children start calling him daddy?" I sobbed hard. "They won't. Aston you need your sleep go to your old room and get to bed." Mum kissed my temple. " I love you mum...." I pouted sniffling. "I love you too son. come on up to bed now." I made my way to bed but I couldn't sleep. My phone bleeped telling me I had a twitter notification. It was Julia. I saved the picture of Julia and Kira and making a tweet myself.

-I never realised what I had until I took it for granted. @Juliaroos I'm sorry baby. I need you three. Please just let me show you. :-( Axxx-

I lay awake in the dark sobbing. I could hear my mum outside my room. She was telling someone that I was here and not to worry she'd explain in the morning. Eventually giving up on sleep. I sobbed looking at all my photos of Julia and Kira, some of us all together and then the one of my unborn child's scan. Will I ever be able to put things right and be with my family again. Grrr I really hate myself right now.

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