Only making love part 69

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*julia's pov*

Ast came round beating record time. Rochelle had also just arrived with Marvin. "Thank you so much!" I said as Aston and I dashed out the house. Ast threw the bag in the boot and drove quickly towards the hospital. "Baby are you ok?" "YES!" I yelled. "You don't sound ok..." "IM FINEE....AGGGHH!" "Julia. I'm worried about you." "ASTON IM HAVING A BABY! THIS IS THE WHOLE BLOODY PROCESS OF GIVING BIRTH!" I squeezed the handle of the door tightly. "Is this the contraction thingy that it mentioned in the baby book?" I looked at Ast smiling "you read the books?" "Yeah! In between trying to win you back." "Awhhh YOU'RE so sweet I LOVE YOU!" "I love you more baby." He smiled. We rushed into the hospital explaining briefly to reception that I was having a baby. I was soon sat in a wheel chair and wheeled to a room where I waited to see my midwife. The midwife showed up five minutes later and smiled at Aston. "Hello there miss Roos. How do you feel?" "Ugh like I'm about to squeeze a bloody watermelon out of something the size of a pip! What the fuck do you mean with 'how are you feeling?" I yelled as another contraction ran through my body. I felt really sorry for Ast because this was his first experience and quite frankly I was scaring the shit out of him.

*asts pov*

Wow this was weird! Julia is scaring me...alot. Who would have known that women could snap so much while having major contractions. Julia had gotten to the stage where she was actually allowed to push. Gripping hold of my hand she pushed. "Uggghhh!" "It's ok baby." I soothed Julia. Julia took a breath from the gas and air. "Come on miss Roos." "Fuck off!" Julia screamed. Wow Jesus I'm so scared right now. "Baby she's only encouraging you." "Ast this is your fucking fault! Look what you did!" Julia squeezed my hand and pushed hard a large moan leaving her lips. "That's it. Almost there I can see the head." The midwife beamed. "Aghhh!" Julia screamed again pushing harder. "One more time!" A nurse smiled. Julia pushed long and hard. A few seconds later tiny cries of a baby filled the room. "Congratulations... A tiny boy!" He was so perfect. The nurse asked me if I wanted to cut the umbilical cord. I nodded eagerly. I mean come on its such an amazing experience why wouldn't I? I cut the umbilical cord and carried our son over to Julia. "He's perfect Ast." Julia cooed sleepily. "Our baby Kyle Taylor Merrygold." I smiled. Although Julia and Kira had sorted his name out while we were on a break, Julia decided that I should at least get a choice. In the end Kira agreed the name she chose would be his middle name as did the girls name.

Julia yawned. "Pass him here babe. You get some sleep and we can have a chat when you wake up." I moved Julia's hair from her face tucking it behind her ear. "Hm ok." Julia mumbled. I took Kyle into my arms as Julia dropped into a sleep. "Hello lil man. I'm your daddy. Welcome to the big wide world son. See this beautiful woman over here?" I turned Kyle gently in Julia's direction." Watching him sucking his fingers causing me to giggle. "That's your beautiful mummy. She's so amazing Kyle. You'll understand when your older." I smiled as I watched him fall asleep. He definitely had the small gene, his head is small enough to fit onto my hand. He's body looked so fragile and breakable, I was actually worried that I'd hurt him.

* Julia's pov*

I could hear small whimpers from Kyle followed by a gentle voice. The voice of Ast singing our son to sleep. "Hey baby." Ast grinned. "Hey." "I've been thinking....maybe we should live together again, you know so that you get some help from me and so I get to see you all everyday. Also see Kyle develop." Ast said nervously rubbing the back of his neck. "I think so too. The kids and I would benefit from it." "I'll move back in when we leave hospital then. If that's ok with you?" I nodded gently. "Ast we've just become parents again. Our children need stability and a loving environment. You are my fiancée and my babies perfect daddy." I touched Asts face he smiled. "I love you Julia." "I love you too." "Your so perfect. Now all we gotta do is get married but for now let's just take things in our stride." "Yeah good idea." I giggled just as Kyle started to cry. "Oo mummy me thinks baba is hungry!" Ast said in a baby voice. He's too cute, he has a weakness on my body. I fed Kyle smiling to myself, everything was perfect and I wouldn't change this moment for the world! Rochelle and Marvin were the first two people to come and meet Kyle. Kira was so keen to meet him. "Mummy daddy where is Kyle?" Kira beamed. Ast picked Kira up resting her on his hip. "Here you go there's your little brother." Ast beamed "awh he's sleeping!" Kira pouted. "Would you like a hold Kira?" I asked smiling. "Yes please mummy." Ast placed Kira on the hospital bed, I gently placed Kyle in kira's arms protecting his head and neck while Ast took a picture. After a few minutes Kira was chatting and playing with Ast while Marv and roch had a little cuddle of Kyle. I had a cuddle from the newest Humes, Jade. She is only one month old. She was quite big for a newborn obviously having marvs tall gene. Did I mention cute? After the Humes left plenty of others arrived and had cuddles with Kyle. The hospital refused to let us take Kyle home because he was small and they wanted to be sure he was taking his milk. I asked one of the nurses if she'd take a family picture as we still had Kira because she was going home with siobhan. The nurse obliged as we posed in various ways. When visiting hours had finished Ast's mum took Kira to hers as we spent yet another night in hospital. Although only one person(the patient) is supposed to sleep in the bed I decided it would be nicer if I went against the rules. Yep if you've guessed, Ast and I shared the hospital bed together. "I wonder when we'll be allowed home." I thought out loud. "Hopefully tomorrow." "Yeah." "I can't wait to show our son his home and to move back in." "Me either. I love you Asty." "I love you too boo." And with that we fell asleep snuggled up to each other for the first time since getting back together. We only woke when we heard tiny whimpers leave out perfect son' lips.

Oooo a couple of parts left! Hope your enjoying the parts. Julia xxx

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