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Y/N's P.O.V. 

"Hi, Mrs. Hudson?" I asked, looking at the elderly woman stood in the doorway to 221A.

"Yes, can I help you, dear?" She asked with a small smile.

"Hi, I wanted to introduce myself properly. I'm Y/N L/N and I'm moving in with Sherlock upstairs." Her eyes widened and she looked a little shocked.

"Really? Wow. I didn't know Sherlock really liked... women." She seemed a little perplexed, making me laugh slightly.

"No, nothing like that. I'm going to be taking John Watson's old room." I smiled.
"I'm splitting the rent with Sherlock, if that's okay with you?"

"Oh, yes, of course dear! Would you like to come in for tea?" She offered.

"I'd love that." I nodded and she led me into her kitchen, gesturing for me to take a seat.
"You have a lovely home, Mrs. Hudson."

"Thank you." She brought a teapot and two cups over, sitting opposite me.
"Now tell me, how did Sherlock Holmes convince a nice young lady like you to move in with him?"

"Believe me, it took a lot more convincing on my part." I smiled at her.

"Well, I don't mind at all. As long as you remember that I am your landlady and not your housekeeper." She chuckled slightly, pouring the tea.

"Of course." I nodded and we continued to talk and get to know each other a little.

"Biscuits!" The door burst open as Sherlock let himself in, making Mrs. Hudson jump.
"Mrs. Hudson- and Y/N? What are you doing here?" He looked at me suspiciously.

"Well, I wanted to let your landlady know that I'd be moving in. It was the polite thing to do." I looked at him in confusion.

"Oh, Y/N is such a sweet young lady Sherlock. You better be nice to her." Mrs. Hudson put her hand over mine and I gave her a small smile.

"Yes, yes, whatever. Biscuits?" He insisted and the woman sighed, getting up and going into the cupboard, before handing him a pack of digestives.

"Clients?" She asked and he sighed.

"John and Mary. Lestrade will be coming later and Molly, who is also bringing her fiancé, I believe." Sherlock muttered.
"Thank you, Mrs. Hudson." He turned to leave, but the older lady stopped him.

"Sherlock! Take Y/N with you, you need to introduce her to your friends if she is going to be living with you." Mrs. Hudson looked at me.
"Go on, dear. I'm sure you're bored of talking to little old me now. I'll be up later."

"Ugh, fine." Sherlock muttered and I stood up.

"Thank you for the tea, Mrs. Hudson."

"Anytime, dear." I gave her one last smile, before following Sherlock up the stairs.

"You can drop the act, I don't buy it." He spoke plainly.

"What act?" I asked in confusion.

"Pretending to be nice to everyone? Having tea with Mrs. Hudson? If you lay even a finger on her or anyone-"

"Sherlock, you don't trust me, I understand that, but there's no need to assume the worst. I had tea with Mrs. Hudson because I wanted to make a good first impression. And I'm not pretending to be nice, I'm being myself." He didn't look convinced and I followed him into the flat.

"Y/N, hi." John smiled at me.
"So you're really moving in here then?"

"Yeah, I took my things upstairs just a few hours ago." I nodded.
"This must be Mary?"

"Yes, hi. Y/N, right?" She smiled sweetly and just looking at her, I could read her like a book, but there was a chapter missing. Something I couldn't read. Secrets. Interesting.

"Yeah. It's lovely to meet you." Sherlock scoffed, causing the happy couple to look at him, but I simply ignored the detective.
I spoke with Mary and John for a while, Sherlock basically ignoring us and occasionally talking to John.
The door opened, revealing Mrs. Hudson and an unfamiliar man. Detective Lestrade, if I had to guess.

"Gary!" Sherlock greeted, the man glaring at him slightly.

"Greg." He corrected. I analysed the man silently, working out everything from his relationship status to his shoe size, approximately.

"Yes, of course. Greg. Obviously." Sherlock shook his head.

"I brought champagne to congratulate the happy couple." He held up the bottle before his eyes landed on me. Sherlock took the bottle, examining it closely.
"I don't believe we've met. Detective Greg Lestrade." He held his hand out and I shook it.

"Y/N L/N. Sherlock's new flat mate." I smiled and he looked shocked.

"Really?" He looked at Sherlock, who was leaving the room.
"You must have pretty good patience to put up with him."

"Oh, I've dealt with worse." I smiled, making the detective inspector laugh as he sat down.

"I'm really pleased, Mary. Have you set a date?" Mrs. Hudson asked the blonde woman.

"Well, we thought May." Mary nodded.

"Ah, a spring wedding." Mrs. Hudson grinned as Sherlock came back with the open bottle and a tray of glasses.

"Yeah, well, once we've actually got engaged." Mary chuckled as Sherlock poured the drinks and handed them out.
"We were interrupted last time." She looked at Sherlock, who was clearly amused.

"I can't wait." Lestrade held up his glass, before taking a sip.

"You will be there, Sherlock?" Mary asked hopefully as Sherlock handed me a glass.

"Weddings... not really my thing." Sherlock shrugged and John rolled his eyes.

"Hello everyone." A woman smiled as she let herself in, a man, who dressed remarkably like Sherlock, following her and John did a double take. I laughed a little, but managed to cover it with a fake cough.

"Hello, Molly." John greeted.

"This is Tom. Tom this is everyone." She grinned widely.

"Hi." Tom smiled. His entire outfit was brand new, no more than a couple of days old, except the scarf and coat, they were about a year old. He had clearly made an effort with his hair and the way he shifted his weight from one foot to another showed that he was both nervous and excited.

"Hi." Lestrade replied, clearly noticing the similarities.

"It's really nice to meet you all." Tom smiled.

"Wow. Yeah, I'm John. Good to meet you." They shook hands and Sherlock sighed.

"Ready?" Sherlock turned away from the window, before he saw Tom and froze for a few moments.

"Ready." John nodded.
"Y/N, are you sure you don't want to come?" John had asked me if I was going to confront the press with them several times, to talk about the terrorist attack we prevented last night, but I wasn't interested.

"Do I want to go down there where there's reporters with too many questions and cameras, or do I stay up here where it's warmer and much better company?" I asked and John shook his head.
"I think I'll stay here, thanks."

"Champagne?" Lestrade offered Molly.

"Yes." The woman smiled, before looking at me.
"Sorry, who are you?" She asked, making Sherlock laugh as he left with John.

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