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Trigger warning- physical abuse

Y/N's P.O.V.

Time passed in a confusing blur. Sometimes minutes passed like hours and other times I would blink and several hours had passed.
From what I had gathered, I had been locked up for a few days, maybe a week. Jim was keeping me sedated, but I had given up caring. I had given up pretty much everything. The drugs were numbing my mind, making it impossible for me to think. He was only keeping me sedated because I tried to escape. Jim wasn't too happy about that. I don't remember much, but I woke up with a lot of bruises across my body and on my face. There was a cut on my forehead and on my jaw and I also had a split lip.

"Hello, Tiger." Jim kneeled next to me and I looked at him blankly.
"How are you feeling?" Sore. I was feeling sore, but I wasn't going to tell him that. I wasn't going to tell him anything, let alone speak to him.
"I'm still getting the silent treatment, huh?" He sighed, moving a couple of strands of hair out of my face, before taking my hands in his and making me stand.
"Y/N, I'm really trying here. I don't want to be the bad guy. Please just say something to me. Anything."

"I wish you had stayed dead." I looked him in the eye, before the back of his hand connected with the side of my face and I fell onto my makeshift bed.

"I'm going out." Jim looked down at me.
"Brucie is going to look after you. You remember Brucie, right?" The guy that knocked me unconscious, yeah, I remembered him.
"Okay, I'll come back and check on you later, my Tiger. Ciao." He waved as he walked away, the door locking as soon as he left. I laid back against the thin sheets, closing my eyes with a sigh. I opened them again when the familiar sound of gunshots caught my attention and I sat up, my eyes glued to the door and I only had to wait a few moments, before it unlocked and several people came into the room, guns raised.

"Oh my god. Y/N." John looked at me with wide eyes, rushing over to me.
"Lestrade, call an ambulance! Sherlock!" He yelled and I flinched, moving back. A whimper escaped my throat when a bruise on my back touched the wall.
"Who did this to you?"

"Y/N?" My eyes met Sherlock's as he approached.
"What did they do to you...?"

"The ambulance is on the way." Lestrade spoke, looking at me with pity.

"No." I muttered, shaking my head.
"Can't go to the hospital. He'll find me."

"Who?" John asked and I wanted to tell them, but the words wouldn't come out.

"Please." I could feel my eyes starting to close.
"He'll kill me."

"No one is going to touch you, Y/N. We won't let them." Sherlock promised.

"No, Y/N. Keep your eyes open." John insisted.
"I need you to stay awake, okay?"

"Can't." I mumbled as the faint sound of sirens could be heard.

Sherlock's P.O.V.

I paced the hall, my mind and body unable to stop for just a second.
In the few months I had known Y/N, she had come along on several cases with John and I and when John wasn't available, just the two of us went. Her mind was amazing, she wasn't as smart as me, but she saw things from a completely different perspective. One thing I did learn about her, however, was that she was an outstanding fighter. I had never seen anything like it. I had watched her take out armed men in seconds, like it was nothing. That helped me deduce she had military training, but other than that, she was a mystery to me.

"Sherlock. She's going to be okay." John spoke tiredly.
"Although, I still think we should have taken her to a hospital."

"I agree." Mycroft muttered and I glared at my brother slightly.
"My house- of all places. Why bring her here?"

"She was too scared to go to the hospital and Baker Street was too risky." I sighed.
"We still don't know who is behind this."

"I might have an idea." Mycroft admitted and I looked at him in confusion, before the door opened and the doctor stepped out, causing us all to look at her expectantly.

"She's awake, but she needs her rest." The doctor sighed.
"The damage is mostly external, bruises, a couple of cuts, I'm more worried about her mental health. She barely said a word to me in there and the poor girl is shaking like a leaf."

"I need to speak with her." Mycroft stepped forward and the doctor nodded, dismissing herself. I stopped Mycroft before he could get too close to the door.
"Sherlock, move."

"I want a name." I spoke simply and Mycroft scoffed.

"Now is not the time to be playing hero. What I need to speak to Y/N about is more important than you can imagine." Mycroft glared at me.
"Move." I did as he said, before going back to my pacing.

"Sherlock, sit down." John looked at me and I reluctantly sat in the seat beside him.
"What is going on with you? You've hated Y/N ever since she moved in with you, but she goes missing and you snap. Now we've found her and you're acting like a worried boyfriend!"

"Hated her? I never hated Y/N." I looked at John.
"Why would you think that?"

"Why would I-? Everyone thinks that, Sherlock! You're horrible to her and for some crazy reason, she sticks around." John looked at me like I was an idiot.
"Sherlock, you constantly tell her she's stupid and in your way, even when she's being more help than you. You bully her tirelessly, I've seen you go easier on Anderson."

"I am not horrible to her. She vexes me. I've tried figuring her out I always get it wrong." I explained to John, who looked a little lost.
"I can't think when I'm around her, but at the same time, everything is so much clearer. I don't hate her, she's just frustrating."

"Oh my god." John laughed a little, shaking his head.
"I can't believe this."

"Can't believe what?" I asked, not liking John knowing something I didn't.

"Oh, Mycroft is going to love this."

"Love what, John?" I asked, getting annoyed at him.

"You like her. You like Y/N." John grinned.
"Romantically, I mean. And maybe the reason she's stuck around is because she's crazy enough to like you back."

"Don't be stupid, John." I scolded.
"Y/N is just a friend."

"Mary used to be just my friend." He shot back and I rolled my eyes, trying to remind myself why I was friends with him.

"What?" I asked, frustrated and confused.

"Tell her how you feel."

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