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Y/N's P.O.V.

I pulled at the chains on my wrists, panic flooding my senses. I could barely move and the material covering my eyes made it impossible for me to see. Tape covered my mouth and the only senses I could actually rely on were touch, sound and smell.
From what little I could gather, the room was damp and cold and I was sat on old
carpet, meaning I was more than likely inside. I could smell rotting wood, so inside a very old house or some kind of shed. As for hearing, I could hear Sherlock and Eurus talking, as well as the little girl and John. However, the little girl and Eurus' voices were much clearer, as if they were in the same room as me, but that was impossible. The little girl was in a plane about to crash, wasn't she?

"We're going to crash! We're going to cry!" The girl cried out with a scream.

"I think it's time you told me your real name." Sherlock spoke.

"I'm not allowed to tell my name to strangers." The girl repeated her sentence from earlier.

"But I'm not a stranger, am I?" Sherlock asked, confusing me.
"I'm your brother. I'm here, Eurus." Wait, so... Eurus was the girl on the plane? Sherlock voice was much clearer now and I pulled at the chains, hearing movement not too far from me.
"Y/N, it's okay. I'm going to get you out of there in a second."

"You're playing with me, Sherlock. You're playing the game." The little girl spoke, but now it was more evidently Eurus.

"The game. Yes. I get it now." Sherlock spoke.
"The song was never a set of directions."

"I'm in the plane, I'm going to crash." Eurus whimpered.
"And you're going to save me."

"Look how brilliant you are. Your mind has created the perfect metaphor. You're high above us, up in the sky, and you understand everything except how to land. Now, I'm just an idiot, but I'm on the ground. I can bring you home." Did I hear that right? Did Sherlock call himself an idiot?

"No." Eurus whimpered.
"No, no. It's too late now." She responded.

"No, it's not too late." Sherlock reassured and I stayed quiet, letting him calm her down.

"Every time I close my eyes... I'm on the plane." Eurus whimpered.
"I'm lost. Lost in the sky and... no one can hear me."

"Open your eyes. I'm here. You're not lost anymore." I could hear Eurus crying.
"Now, you went the wrong way last time, that's all. This time get it right. Tell me how to save my friend. Eurus, help me save John Watson." Eurus told Sherlock where John was and he promised he'd be back, rushing out of the room.

"I'm sorry." I heard Eurus whisper, before the blindfold was pulled away from my eyes. The room was dark, but I wasn't concentrating on that, instead, my attention was on the girl in front of me. She looked terrified and suddenly any anger I had towards her faded away. This was a girl that had been locked up in, What Mycroft described as, Hell for most of her life. She was traumatised and vulnerable. I couldn't be mad at her. She was just a scared kid.
She undid the chains on my wrists, and I pulled the tape off of my mouth.
"I'm sorry."

"It's okay, Eurus." I held out my hand to her.
"You're scared, I understand that, but you don't have to be. Let's go and find Sherlock, shall we?" I asked and she hesitantly nodded, taking my hand and I pulled her up off of the ground. Shrugging my coat off, I gave it to her and she pulled it on, before I led her out of the house I assumed was Musgrave.

"I don't want to go back to the plane. I'm scared." She whispered to me once we made it outside.

"I know, but if you go back, we're going to be right here to help you back down, okay?" She nodded her head and I wrapped my arm around her, walking towards where she directed Sherlock. We made it to the well, just as Sherlock was pulling John out and Eurus tensed up.
"It's okay." I assured her.
"You're safe now."

"Y/N?" Sherlock asked, looking at me.

"I'm fine, I've got Eurus." He nodded his head, kneeling down to speak to John as sirens could be heard in the distance. Sherlock must have called the police.
Soon enough, Eurus was taken into custody, but not before she gave me my coat back and hugged me tightly.
"It's okay. I promise it's going to be okay." I smiled at her and she hesitantly nodded, before going willingly with the police.

"Thank you." Sherlock muttered.
"For being so kind to her."

"She deserves it. I can't imagine she's seen much genuine kindness in the past few years." Sherlock nodded, wrapping his arm around me and kissing my head.
"John? You alright?"

"Yeah, I'll live." He nodded and I gave him a smile.

"I've just spoken to your brother." Lestrade said, coming up to us. I didn't know he was here, honestly.

"How is he?" Sherlock asked.

"He's a bit shaken up, that's all." Lestrade nodded.
"She didn't hurt him, she just locked him up in her old cell."

"What goes around, comes around." John muttered and I hummed.

"Give me a moment, guys." Lestrade moved to speak to one of the officers.

"Um... Mycroft, make sure he's looked after." Sherlock sighed, taking me by surprise.
"He's not as strong as he thinks he is."

"Yeah, I'll take care of it." Lestrade nodded.

"Thanks, Greg." Sherlock nodded, shocking the DI.

"You okay?" John asked.

"I said I'd bring her home." Sherlock sighed.
"I can't, can I?"

"Well, you gave her what she was looking for. Context." John nodded.

"Is that good?" Sherlock asked.

"It's not good, it's not bad. It's..." John trailed off.

"It is what it is." I filled in and John nodded.

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