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Y/N's P.O.V.

Cleaning up Baker Street wasn't an easy task, but we got it done, slowly. Sherlock, John and I spent most of our free time cleaning up the mess, replacing anything that had been broken, salvaging what we could. John still had to work, of course, and Sherlock took time to clear things up with Molly. Whenever I could, I volunteered to look after Rosie, almost feeling responsible for the infant. Mary asked me to look after her and the boys, so that's what I did.

"Ready to go?" Sherlock asked and I nodded, taking his free hand. In his other hand was his violin case. Going downstairs, we said a quick goodbye to Mrs. Hudson, who was currently babysitting Rosie, whilst John was at work, and we got in the car waiting for us. It was one of Mycroft's and so was the helicopter we were being driven to.
We were going to Sherrinford to see Eurus, something we agreed to do regularly. At first, I thought it was best to let Sherlock go alone and he did, the first time. The second, he insisted I went with him and although Eurus didn't talk, it was good to see her. Even if it was in a cell.

"You okay?" I asked as we swiped our ID cards to get into the building. Mycroft gave us both full access, as well as his parents, by Mama Holmes' request.

"Hmm, just thinking." Sherlock muttered as we went through the necessary security checks.
"The case with the-"

"I thought we agreed no work whilst visiting your sister?" I asked and he pouted.

"What's in your pocket?" He asked and I raised an eyebrow.
"There's something in your coat pocket. A box. What is it?"

"Not for you.'' I winked at him as we stepped into the lift, going down to the special unit. He didn't look impressed at all.
"It's a gift. For Eurus. Something I noticed she needed when we were here last week." Sherlock gave me a soft smile.
"Oh, don't look at me like that. I'm a nice person, you know? Of course, I spoke to your mother about it-"

"You did?" Sherlock pulled a face.

"I speak to your mum all the time. I love her, she's great." He rolled his eyes dramatically.
"Anyway, we thought it was a good idea to get Eurus something. You know, considering that the only time she really ever got gifts was after she was useful to Mycroft."

"I suppose it would be nice. What is it you've gotten her? Why didn't you tell me?" I pushed my finger to my lips as we made it to Eurus' area, but right outside the doors Mr. amd Mrs. Holmes were waiting with Mycroft.

"You came." Mrs. Holmes smiled at us both, hugging her younger son and kissing his cheek, before turning to me and doing the same to me.

"Of course." I nodded, noticing Sherlock eyeing up the bag his parents had brought. I took the small box out of my pocket, handing it over to the older woman, who opened it and her eyes widened.

"Oh, Y/N, it's perfect!" She smiled, taking the red ribbon out of the box.
"Oh, look at that." She showed her husband, who grinned at me.

"Where did you get that?" Mycroft looked at me in shock and I shrugged.

"I know a guy, who knows a gal, it wasn't too difficult." Sherlock looked confused until his mother pulled out a chocolate brown teddy bear, the same one I had only seen in pictures. Apparently, it used to belong to Eurus when she was a child. It was almost destroyed in the fire at Musgrave, but they saved it. Unfortunately, they lost the deep red ribbon that tied the bow around its neck. It had Eurus' name embroidered on one end and after seeing a picture and hearing how much the teddy bear used to mean to the girl, I had to get an exact replica of the ribbon.

"Shall we go in, then?" Sherlock sighed.

"Actually, we're going to head home." Mr. Holmes stated and I looked at the pair in confusion.
"We've already been to see her today."

"You two were late." Mrs. Holmes added, giving Sherlock and I a slight glare.

"Yes, mother. It won't happen again." Sherlock rolled his eyes and the woman in front of me offered me the teddy bear.

"Give this to Eurus for us?" I hesitated, before taking the object and nodding. We all said our goodbyes, before the three of them left.

"We weren't that late." Sherlock mumbled, making me laugh a little, before we let ourselves into Eurus' cell.
She had her back turned to us and Sherlock immediately set his violin case down, taking the instrument out.

"Eurus, we brought you a gift." I spoke softly, moving towards the glass. After placing the teddy bear in the hatch, I closed it, but I didn't move. Eurus turned and looked at me. It was clear she was expecting us to ask her something. She took a step towards the hatch, opening it and taking the teddy bear, her eyes softening almost instantly. She looked up at me in shock and I gave her a small smile as Sherlock began to play his violin.

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