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Y/N's P.O.V.

Months passed as Mary and John's wedding came closer and everyone was involved with the planning.
Sherlock hadn't particularly warmed up to me, he was still slightly bitter and constantly asking questions I didn't care to answer, but I had learned that I got along with Mary and John quite well. Mary even asked me to be one of her bridesmaids, which I was not expecting, but I happily accepted.

"You're going to be late!" I heard Sherlock yell as I finished straightening out the lilac dress. I wasn't sure how I felt about the colour, but Mary liked it, so I knew I'd survive wearing it for one day, at least. I looked in the mirror one last time, before leaving my room, heels in hand as I walked down the stairs.

"Well, don't you clean up nice, Mr. Holmes?" I asked with a smile, pretending not to notice his eyes practically glued to me as I came closer to him.

"You- uh... you're going to be late." He cleared his throat and I looked at him in amusement.

"I won't." I smiled.
"The other bridesmaids got Mary ready, I just need to meet them at the church." He nodded in understanding. I didn't exactly like the other bridesmaids, it was nothing personal, they were just dull.

"So?" He repeated.

"How do I look?" I spun around, looking at the man I front of me expectantly.

"Beauty is a construct-"

"Sherlock." I interrupted and his eyes met mine.
"Don't overthink it."

"You look extraordinary." He said after a moment and I was caught off guard by the compliment. I was expecting 'nice' or 'good' or even 'fine'. I was not expecting him to call me 'extraordinary'.

"Thanks, Sherlock." I smiled at him, touched by the compliment. Was this him finally starting to believe I'm not evil? Was he actually going to start being nice to me?
"I'm going to grab my bag and then I'm going to go." I tried to move past him, but his hand landed on my waist, making me freeze, looking up at him.

"You..." My phone rang loudly from the kitchen.
"You should probably get that." He sighed, his hand falling back to his side.

"Uh, yes- yeah." I moved into the kitchen, finding my clutch bag and my phone next to it. It was an unknown number, but I answered it anyway.

"Hello, Tiger." My blood ran cold when I heard his voice.
"Miss me?" I hung up and grabbed my bag, moving to get my coat as my phone rang again. I turned it on silent as I pulled my coat on. Moriarty's words echoing in my mind. 'Miss me?'

"Y/N?" Sherlock looked at me am carefully.
"Is everything alright?"

"Yes. Fine. It was just a spam call." I knew it was a bad lie, but I didn't care.
"I need to go- see you at the church?"

"Yeah. Are you sure-?"

"Everything is fine, Sherlock." I interrupted, hurrying down the stairs, before slipping the heels on and leaving the building and immediately holding my arm out to the approaching taxi. I gave the driver the name of the church, before looking at my phone, seeing it ringing once again. I answered, taking a sharp breath.
"You're dead." I spoke simply into the phone.

"Not quite." His cheery voice replied.
"You should come and see me. I'll explain everything."

"That's not going to happen, Jim." I swallowed nervously.

"Aww, but I miss you, my Tiger. I guess I'll just have to drop by the wedding and see you there." I felt sick.
"Sherlock will be there, right?"

"Don't you dare." I warned darkly.
"I'll come to you. Send me the address."

"Oh, I'm so glad you changed your mind. I've missed you." I hung up and my phone immediately buzzed with a text and I quickly let the driver know of my change of plans.
Okay, so... I lied.
I told Sherlock that Jim and I weren't in a relationship and for a long time we weren't, but things change. He was my boss, but we developed a kind of sentiment towards each other and before I knew it, I was dragged into a whole new world of criminal activity.
But he was supposed to be dead. Dead men don't make phone calls.
The address Jim had sent me turned out to be a flat on the outskirts of London. My phone rang and I looked to see Mary's contact, but I declined the call, going inside. Just on my way up to the flat, I received several more calls from Mary, a few texts from the bridesmaids and even a call from Sherlock. I turned my phone off, not needing the extra distraction. I pushed the door open, my heart was racing and I had to admit, I was terrified.
"Hello, Tiger."

"Jim." I let out a shaky breath, seconds before he wrapped me in a tight hug.

"I missed you, Y/N. More than you know." I pushed him off of me, pulling the gun from my inner coat pocket. My hands trembled as I pointed it at him.
I wasn't exactly planning on taking a gun to the wedding, but after hearing his voice over the phone, I made sure to pick up my coat on my way out, something I wasn't originally planning on doing.
"Oh. I was really hoping we could do this the easy way."

"You died. You killed yourself." I shook my head, feeling tears stinging my eyes as my vision blurred slightly.

"If your new best friend, Sherlock Holmes, can fake his death, then so can I. We're the same, me and him." He stepped closer.
"We used to be the same, too, my Tiger."

"I always hated that nickname." I muttered as I clicked the safety off the gun.
"I hated you."

"No you didn't. You never hated me, you were the princess and I was the king, you were supposed to take over when I was gone, not rip it all apart." He actually seemed upset.
"You destroyed everything we worked so hard for, but it's okay. We can start again. Just the two of us. Jim Moriarty and Y/N Moran. This time you can have your fare share of the credit."

"I'd rather die." I glared at him and a floorboard creaked behind me, causing me to turn to see the large man as he hit me across the side of the head with something. A high pitched whistle filled both my ears as the gun flew out of my hands and arms wrapped around me before I could hit the floor.

"Shh. Go to sleep, Y/N." Jim whispered as I struggled keep my eyes open.
"You're safe now. I'm here. I'm going to take care of you now."

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