
1.9K 98 28

Y/N's P.O.V.

"What is that?" Mycroft asked before he even set foot in the room.

"A dog. Have you ever encountered one before? They're quite common in British households. Kept as pets." He rolled his eyes.

"I know what it is, what is it doing in your hospital bed?" He stepped forward, looking at the dog suspiciously.

"It was a present, from Jim. He gave it to me just seconds before Sebastian shot me." I sighed and Mycroft sighed.
"You knew he was alive, didn't you? You knew my brother was alive and you didn't tell me?"

"I was trying to protect you." He admitted.
"Sebastian Moran had become much more than just a killer in the past few years. I was trying to spare your feelings." I nodded my head, really not wanting to argue about it. Although that didn't mean it was over, Mycroft was going to wish he was dead once I had finished with him, but that could wait.

"Where's Sherlock and John?"

"I'd imagine Dr. Watson is at home with his wife. He's about to receive the news that you're in hospital from Detective Inspector Lestrade." Mycroft sat down.
"Sherlock is currently in a high-security prison cell."

"What happened?" I asked seriously.

"You've been a bad influence on him, he became killer last night. He shot Magnussen in the head." Mycroft deadpanned.
"They're letting you keep that thing in here?"

"It took some convincing. His name is Redbeard, does that mean something to you? Jim said Sherlock would understand it." I sighed.

"Redbeard was Sherlock's dog when we were children." Mycroft's tone told me he was hiding something, but I decided to ignore it.
"Do you plan on keeping it?"

"What happened at Appledoor?" I asked, changing the subject back to Sherlock.

"There were no secret vaults. Appledoor was what Magnussen called his mind palace." Mycroft's sighed.
"So Sherlock killed him."

"Good. How is he?" I asked seriously.

"Furious when I told him he couldn't see you. Proud of you for standing up to Moriarty. Livid when I told him you got shot." Mycroft explained and I smiled a little.
"And he gave me a message for you."

"What?" He stood up and hesitantly leaned over, before pressing a kiss to my head.
"Aww, Mikey Boy, I didn't know you cared."

"That was from Sherlock, you idiot." He scolded and I grinned.
"He's leaving soon. We can't imprison him, so we're sending him on a mission for MI6. The chances of him returning are... slim."

"Can I see him before he goes?" I asked hopefully.

"Yes. Before he gets on the plane tomorrow morning, you, Dr. Watson and Mrs. Watson will be allowed to say goodbye." I nodded my head in understanding.
"I should leave. They will be arriving shortly."

"One question, before you go, dear?" I asked, stopping him before he walked away. I knew calling him dear seemed to irritate him, so I couldn't help myself.
"Sherlock and I committed the same crime. We killed the two most dangerous men in the country, and I killed my own brother, and only one of us is being locked up for it. Why?"  

"You can't kill dead men. Technically, you committed no crime, or, that's how the British government sees it anyway. Both Moriarty and Moran were already dead, according to our records." He sighed.
"Goodbye, Y/N."

"Goodbye, British government." I mumbled, feeling bitter as he left the room. Redbeard licked my hand and I gave the puppy attention for a short while, before John and Mary ran in.

"Y/N, oh God." John covered his mouth as he walked in.

"Christ, I know I don't look that bad." I mumbled.

"How are you feeling?" Mary asked softly.

"Pretty good, all things considered." I sighed.
"Admittedly, I'm a little high from the morphine, and when I come down I know I'm probably going to crash a little, but until then, I'm good."

"You killed Moriarty? Definitely? He's not coming back?" I nodded my head and he let out a breath.

"I know." I nodded.
"Mycroft was just here. I know everything." I stroked Redbeard's head.
"He disappointed his brother and I killed two people, yet he's the one being sent away."

"Sherlock killed someone, too, you know?" Mary asked and I glared at her slightly, mad she ruined my poetic moment.
"Two people? You killed two people? Who was the second?"

"My brother." I muttered and they both looked shocked.
"It's a long story."

"What do you mean, sent away?" John asked.

"As punishment for killing Magnussen, he's being sent to do MI6's dirty work. Mycroft doesn't think he's going to make it back alive." I stated.

"What?" John asked, shocked.

"Why aren't you more upset?" Mary looked at me and I pointed towards the morphine.

"It's on the highest it can go without killing me. Like I said, I'm going to crash when it stops." I nodded.

"Oh my god, Y/N!" Mary reached out to turn it down but I grabbed her hand.

"Don't. Please." I begged her.
"I can't handle this right now. If you lower that I'm going to start feeling things and I'm going to end up hurting myself even more."

"Y/N Moran?" We all turned towards the doctor stood in the doorway.
"It's good to see you're fully awake now. Would you two mind giving me a moment with my patient?"

"Yeah, of course." John nodded.

"No, I want them to stay." I protested.
"Whatever you say to me, I'll just repeat to them, so they might as well stay and make my life that little bit easier."

"Uh, okay." The doctor nodded.

"They're staying." John and Mary exchanged a look and the doctor nodded.

"Well, you're in stable condition. As long as you stay rested, you should be able to leave at the end of the week, at the earliest." She gave me a small smile.
"Until then, rest up." She smiled and I nodded.

"Thanks, Doc." She left the room.

"We should probably go too and let you get some rest." John looked at me and I winced as I pulled the IV out of my arm.
"What- Y/N, what are you doing?"

"I'm going home." I sighed.

"That's not a good idea." Mary shook her head.
"Sherlock did the same thing, remember? Internal bleeding? His heart stopped?"

"Yeah, except Sherlock had been in hospital for a week, but just a few hours." John scolded.
"Y/N, get back into bed."

"Not happening." I grabbed my coat and pulled it on.
"Sherlock's plane leaves tomorrow morning. I have to say goodbye."

"I'm sure we can arrange-"

"John." I glared at him slightly.
"Thank you for trying to help, but I feel like I should remind you that I am very high and I won't hesitate to hurt you."

"Y/N, we'll come and get you in the morning, just stay here overnight. Please." Mary looked at me and I rolled my eyes.

"Fine." I agreed.
"I'll stay."

"If we leave without you, you'll get back into bed and you'll stay there?" John looked at me expectantly.

"I lied, I'll get a cab. I'm not staying here. I hate hospitals." I frowned and the doctor groaned.

"Fine. I'll get the car." John gave in and I grinned.

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