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Y/N's P.O.V.

Mary disappeared. Sherlock and John went to find her. I stayed home and watched over Rosie, thanks to John's request. It had been weeks. I had been left alone to look after Rosie for weeks. If Ajay, Mary's old co-worker, came here looking for Mary then I wouldn't have hesitated to kill him, but apparently Ajay was shot dead by a police officer shortly after Sherlock and John found Mary. Sherlock had been texting me none stop and I was actually thankful he wasn't allowed to text on the plane.
Between looking after Rosie and keeping up with John and Sherlock, I was bloody exhausted. It didn't help that Sherlock had me relaying things onto Mycroft the whole time he was gone, waiting for any information on Ammo, whatever that was.

"Shh, it's okay." I whispered as I rocked the crying baby.
"Mummy and Daddy will be home soon, huh? How does that sound?" She continued to scream and Mrs. Hudson came up the stairs.

"Oh my goodness, someone isn't happy." Mrs. Hudson fussed and I handed her Rosie.

"Do you mind watching her for half an hour? I need to go shopping and Redbeard needs to be walked-" The Irish Setter perked up at his name, coming over.

"Well, I've already been shopping and I'm sure Redbeard-"

"Please?" I asked, looking at her. She sighed and nodded.

"Go and have some you-time, dear. I'll look after the little one and I'll even clean up a little, but remember I'm not your housekeeper and I'm certainly not your babysitter." She gave me a kind smile.

"Thank you." I kissed her cheek, grabbing Redbeard's lead.
"Come on, boy." I attached the lead and he was almost as eager to get out of the flat as I was. I forgot to grab my coat, but I didn't particularly care and I didn't plan on going back for it. Unfortunately, the half an hour ended all too fast and I was stood outside of Baker Street, looking at the door. The temperature had dropped considerably in the past 30 minutes and as I opened the door, I was hit with a wave of warmth. I was also hit with the sound of silence. Rosie had done nothing but cry whilst I was around her the past few days and I wasn't sure how much more I could handle.
"Inside." I muttered to Redbeard and once he was in the house, I closed the door, sticking my hands in my pockets and continuing down the street.

"What can I get ya, love?" The bartender asked and I gave him my order and paid, before moving over to a table in the corner of the pub.
I couldn't remember the last time I had gotten drunk. Properly drunk. Maybe I couldn't remember because I had already drank a considerable amount, but I wasn't too concerned.
My phone began to ring and I answered it, sitting back in my chair.

"Sherlock, what are you doing? You're not allowed on your phone on the plane." I smiled a little, my words sounding surprisingly clear.

"I'm not on the plane. I'm in the flat. Where are you?" Sherlock asked sternly.
I could hear talking in the background and instead of answering, I tried to figure out what was being said. It sounded like John, but angry. It took a lot to get John angry.
"Y/N? Where are you? Why was Redbeard sat outside of Baker Street and why was Rosie in the flat on her own?"

"Too many questions." I laughed.
"Hang on, what? No. Redbeard's inside and Rosie is with Mrs. Hudson. They're fine."

"Mrs Hudson? No- are you drunk?" He asked suddenly.

"Absolutely not." I smiled.

"Y/N, where are you? I'm coming to get you." Sherlock sounded worried, or was it angry? It was hard to tell.

"You know that pub near the thing that's near the other thing that's by ASDA?" I asked and I heard him sigh.

"You're going to have to be a little more specific." I gave Sherlock the best description I could before he made me go to the bar and hand my phone over to the bartender and less than 10 minutes later, the curly haired detective walked in. He looked shocked when he saw me, which was confusing because he said he was coming to pick me up, so why was he shocked to see me?
"What happened to you?" He touched my cheek lightly and I winced, smacking his hand away.

"I got in a fight in the last bar I was in. It was stupid, but the guy had a solid right hook." Sherlock practically dragged me out of the bar and I was shocked to see how dark it was outside.
"What time is it?"

"11:30 at night." Sherlock muttered, hailing a cab.
"What happened, Y/N? Redbeard was sat outside, his lead attached to the fence and Rosie was all alone in the flat."

"No." I shook my head as Sherlock helped me into the flat.
"I left Rosie with Mrs. H. She said to go and have some time to myself, so I walked Redbeard.... then I went back and let him inside. I was going to go back in, but when I'm near her, Rosie doesn't stop crying and-" My breath got caught in my throat and Sherlock wrapped his arm around me as my eyes stung with tears.
"I'm so tired, Sherlock. Rosie hates me and I haven't slept in days. I'm drunk and everything is just bad. Moriarty is back, you think so too, but I..."

"Shh, it's okay. It's gonna be alright." Sherlock whispered.
"Mrs. Hudson went to visit her sister, remember? In Cornwall? She left this morning. I was on the phone with you when she came to say goodbye. You didn't give Rosie over to her, or anyone. She was left in the flat alone."

"Oh my God." I mumbled.
"No, she... I..." I covered my mouth with a shaky hand and Sherlock tried to keep me calm, but realisation of what I did hit me. Was I losing my mind? How could I be so careless?

"Come on. Let's get you to bed. You need to rest." Sherlock whispered as he helped me up the stairs, but I couldn't stop shaking.

"Y/N, good God, what were you thinking-" John glared at me as soon as we made it to the top of the stairs.

"John, don't." Sherlock snapped at him, apparently surprising the doctor, who looked at me again and his face softened.

"Y/N, oh God, are you alright? I'm sorry-"

"No. I'm sorry. I left Rosie here alone. I thought-"

"It's alright, it's okay. Come on, you need to lay down. Lack of sleep and too much stress must have caused you to hallucinate, you did nothing wrong. Rosie is fine." Sherlock assured, before leading me towards his room.
"Come on, let's get you into bed."

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