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Y/N's P.O.V.

"Scarf." Sherlock spoke, but I ignored him.
"Why are you wearing a scarf?"

"Why is that any of your business?" I asked him calmly, as I walked into the kitchen to get a drink. I had just woken up and I was still half asleep.
John wasn't around- I wasn't really sure where he was, probably home with his wife.

"You just woke up and you're clearly not going anywhere, but you're wearing a scarf. Take it off." Sherlock ordered and once again, I ignored him. He stood up, stalking into the kitchen and I turned away from him, only for him to pull the scarf away in one swift movement.

"Stay away from me, Sherlock. I can't deal with you right now." I muttered, finishing my drink, before placing the glass down and moving back towards my room.

"What the Hell did you do?" His voice was scarily calm, before he put his hand on my shoulder, pulling me back.
"Y/N, what is that?"

"What does it look like, Sherlock?" I replied tiredly.
"I'm going back to bed." I moved up the stairs and I pretended not to hear him following me.
"I don't want to talk about it, just go."

"No." He replied, stopping me from closing my door on him.
"Y/N, whatever it is, we can fix it, okay? Please don't think this is your only option. Talk to me, talk to John. Please." He begged and I looked at him with a blank stare.
"Is it Moriarty? Y/N, please don't do anything stupid."

"That feeling you're experiencing now... that emotion... is exactly what John felt when he saw you on the roof of Bart's." I knew I was being cruel, but I was so angry at him because of Janine. I wasn't even gone a whole month and he... what? He got bored of waiting? I knew the kiss we shared didn't make us an official couple, but I at least thought it meant something.

"Y/N. I'm sorry. Please don't do this." A tear slipped down his cheek and I was punched in the gut by an enormous amount of guilt.
"Please." His voice cracked and sighed.

"I'm not going to kill myself, Sherlock." I muttered, once again explaining what had happened with the terrorists, like I had done with John.
"Now, if you don't mind, I'd quite like to get some sleep. I can't even remember the last time I was this tired."

"Can I stay with you?" He asked.
"Just until you fall asleep?" Sherlock's blue-green eyes were filled with genuine fear and worry, although I knew he believed what I had told him.

"Whatever." I mumbled, getting back into bed, just wanting to sleep. Sherlock closed the door, before getting laying next to me, on top of the covers.

"Y/N, you should know that Janine-"

"I really don't want to hear it, Sherlock." I sighed, turning away from him.

"Janine means nothing to me. She's Magnussen's assistant. I just need her to get me into his office-"

"Sherlock, I mean it." I warned.

"So do I." I turned back to look at him with a glare.
"You know how important it is that we destroy Magnussen. I can't do it without manipulating her a little more. Y/N, I don't care for her, not like... not like how I care for you."

"Don't do that. Don't give me hope that something is going to happen." I whispered, feeling tears build up in my eyes.

"Do you trust me?" He asked and I hesitated, before nodding. He placed one hand on my cheek, before pressing a kiss to my forehead.
"I can't give up on you, Y/N, so please don't give up on me?" 

John's P.O.V.

"Hang on, what?" Mary looked at me.
"Sherlock is dating Janine, even though he's in love with Y/N?"

"I don't understand it either." I admitted.

"But Sherlock definitely loves Y/N? He told you that?" My wife pushed.

"Well, no, but-" Mary sighed heavily as I spoke.
"At our wedding, Sherlock was constantly looking around for her, even though he knew she wasn't there. Then he left early, because she wasn't there."

"That's a bit of a stretch, but okay..."

"Then, after we found Y/N, Sherlock would barely leave her side. I called him out on it, because we all thought he hated her, right?" I explained and Mary nodded.

"But it turned out he had a crush on her. That's very different from love, John." Mary smiled a little.

"I know, but there's more. Sherlock got too defensive of the photo of them sleeping on the couch together. Remember? He stormed off to his room?" Mary nodded.
"And I went and spoke to him."

"You went in after Y/N broke Sergeant Donovan's nose." Mary pointed out and I hummed.
"Wait, what did Sherlock say when you went in there?"

"Mostly, he just told me I was a bad friend for sharing the picture." I rubbed the back of my neck.
"But he said his feelings towards Y/N we're getting stronger. He asked me how to make them stop." I laughed weakly.
"But something must have happened, because when I told Y/N about Janine, she completely froze up. She looked hurt. And then she just walked off to her room."

"Okay, so all you've proven is that they might be harbouring some kind of feelings towards each other." Mary sighed.
"And that you really really want them to get together."

"They're good for each other." I defended and Mary scoffed.
"I should get going. Sherlock wants to drag me somewhere. Love you."

"Don't be out too late, love you too." I grabbed my jacket and keys, giving Mary a quick kiss on the cheek, before I left and caught a cab to Baker Street. Going inside, the flat seemed lifeless.
"Sherlock? Y/N?" The sound of Y/N's door closing caught my attention as Sherlock came down, fixing his hair in the process.

"I was just checking on her." Sherlock cleared his throat. He was a terrible liar.

"Yeah? How is she?" I asked, smirking.

"Tired. We should go. I've been shopping."

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