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Y/N's P.O.V.

"She must be redecorating." Sherlock muttered as we walked into the room.

"Is that... allowed?" John asked.

"She's literally taken over the asylum, we have more things to worry about than her choice of colour scheme." Sherlock answered as I went over to the large window.

"Barely dry. Recent." Mycroft muttered.

"That's for our benefit." Sherlock sighed and I looked down at the gun in my hand.

"As a motivator to your continued cooperation, I'm now reconnecting you." Eurus spoke as the TV came back on and I turned away from the window.

"Fasten your seatbelts! It's gonna be a bumpy night!" Jim's voice played over the speakers.

"Are you- are you still there?" The girl asked, her voice shaky.

"Yes, hello." Sherlock spoke instantly.
"Hello? We're still here. Can you hear us?"

"Yes." The girl replied.

"Everything's going to be alright, I just need you to tell me where you are." Sherlock spoke.

"Outside, is it day or night?" I asked, hoping that would help.


"Well, that certainly narrows it down to half the planet." Mycroft muttered sarcastically and I glared at him.

"What kind of a plane are you on?" Sherlock asked, also glaring at his brother.

"I don't know.'' The girl whimpered.

"Is it big or small?" John chirped up.

"Big." The girl confirmed.

"Lots of people on it?" John asked, stepping forward.

"Lots and lots, but they're all asleep. I can't wake them up." Her voice shook as she spoke.

"Where did you take off from?" Sherlock asked.

"And the driver's asleep!"

"We understand that, but where did you come from? Where did the plane take off?" I asked, keeping my voice calm.

"My nan's." The girl answered.

"And where are you going?" Sherlock asked.

"Home." The sound of the line dropping made me sigh heavily.

"Enough for now! Time to play a new game." Eurus interrupted our talk with the girl.
"Look on the table in front of you. Open the envelope if you want to speak to the girl again. Earn yourself some phone time!"

"This is inhuman. This is insane." Mycroft muttered as I placed the gun down on the glass table, Sherlock opening the envelope.

"Mycroft, we know!" John glared at him.

"6 months ago, a man called Evans was murdered, unsolved, except by me." Sherlock laid out the contents of the envelope onto the table, pictures of three men, their names written in marker next to them.
"He was shot from a distance of 300 metres with this rifle." I looked around in confusion, before Sherlock reached up and dismounted a rifle from the ceiling.
"Now, if the police had any brains, they'd realise there are three suspects, all brothers. Nathan Garrideb, Alex Garrideb and Howard Garrideb. All these photos are up-to-date, but which one pulled the trigger, Sherlock? Which one?"

"What's this? We're supposed to solve this? Based on what?" John asked, perplexed.

"This. This is all we get." Sherlock whispered.

"Please, make use of your friends, Sherlock. I want to see you interact with people that you're close to." Eurus stated.
"Also, you may have to chose which one to keep." What did she mean by that? Which one to keep? Eurus said I would have to use the gun, presumably to kill someone in this room. Was that one of her little games? Make Sherlock decide who to kill?

"What do you make of it?" Sherlock looked at me, holding out the rifle. I took it, looking it over briefly.

"I've used one of these before, when I worked for Jim... Moriarty, I mean." I mumbled.
"It's a Buffalo Gun. 1940s. Old-fashioned sight. No crosshairs." I looked through the scope, before realising something.
"Glasses- whoever shot this gun couldn't have been wearing glasses."

"Nathan wears glasses." Sherlock tapped the picture.

"Evans was shot from 300 meters. The kickback from this gun is massive, it would have shattered our killer's glasses. Look at the picture. There's no cuts, no scarring, around either of Nathan's eyes." I pointed out and Sherlock took the gun from me.
"It's not Nathan." I turned the picture over.

"Well done, Miss Moran . How useful you are." Mycroft commented dryly and I rolled my eyes.

"Do you have a suspicion we're being made to compete?" Mycroft asked with an irritated expression.

"No, we're not competing. No one is competing. There's a plane in the air that's going to crash. So, what we're doing is trying to save a little girl." John stepped towards Mycroft, a harsh undertone in his voice.
"Today we have to be soldiers, Mycroft. Soldiers."

"That meant to Hell with what happens to us.'' I reminded, backing John up.

"Now, as I understand it, Sherlock, you try to repress your emotions to refine your reasoning. I'd like to see how that works." Eurus spoke up again and I narrowed my eyes at her.
What was her endgame in all of this? Was there any way of us getting out of here alive?
"So, if you don't mind, I'm going to apply some context to your deductions."

"Oh, dear God." I turned to the window, seeing the three Garridebs dangling from ropes.

"Two of the Garridebs work here as orderlies, so getting the third along really wasn't too difficult. Once you bring in your verdict, let me know and justice will be done." I stepped towards the window, looking at the three struggling men.

"Justice?" Sherlock asked.

"What will you do with them?" John questioned.

"Early release." Eurus sighed.

"You'll drop them into the sea." I muttered, looking back at her face on the screen.

"Aren't you smart? Sink or swim." She smiled.

"They're tied up!" John shouted at her.

"Exactly! Now there is context. Please, continue with your deductions. I'm now focussing on the difference to your mental capacity a specified consequence can make."

"Why should we bother? What if we're disinclined to play your games, little sister?" Mycroft snapped at her, making her laugh.

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