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I had to rewrite this chapter so many times to get it right 😭😭

Y/N's P.O.V.

I sped down the road, breaking every speed limit, but I didn't care.

"Y/N?" Leatrade's voice came through the phone.
"I didn't take you as the type to call and say Merry Christmas."

"I'm not. I need backup." I replied.
"But just you. No one else."

"Are you driving?" He asked.

"Yep. Borrowed John and Mary's car." I replied and he scoffed.

"I'm hanging up-"

"Greg, I'm not screwing around. I'm going to text you an address and you're going to meet me there. It's Moriarty." I sighed.

"Is Sherlock there? Or John? Put John on the phone, Y/N." He ordered.

"They're not here. I'm on my own." I muttered.
"Can you meet me or not? If you can't I'm going in alone and if anything happens Sherlock might actually kill you."

"Send me the address, but don't you dare text and drive!" I smiled a little.

"Merry Christmas, Greg." I hung up, ignoring his advice about multitasking in the car, texting him the address.
I made it back to London in record time, finding Lestrade waiting for me.

"What's happening?" Greg asked as I got out of the car.

"Around the corner from here is my the home Moriarty and I were going to move into after he 'killed' Sherlock 2 years ago. Jim is waiting for me inside. You're going to stay here and if I'm not back in 10 minutes... I'm probably dead. If that happens, you need to leave. Do not come looking for me. Call Mycroft Holmes."

"You asked me here because you think you're going to die and if that happens you want me to run away? Not only will that will make me a suspect, Y/N, but I can't do that." Greg looked at me.
"Don't ask me to do that."

"Please." I sighed.
"If anything happens to me, Sherlock and John know that it's Moriarty, not you."

"Where are they?" Lestrade asked.

"Currently, they're in a helicopter on their way to commit high treason against the whole bloody country." His eyes widened.
"Yeah, I was supposed to be going with them, but here we are." I pulled the gun out of the back of my waistband and Lestrade stepped back.

"That's not John's gun." He muttered.

"No, it's mine." I looked over to the large house.
"Stay here." I walked away from him and Lestrade hissed my name, but didn't chase after me as I walked down the abandoned street. I opened the door carefully, letting myself inside, looking around the empty house. There was quiet Christmas music playing from upstairs and I followed it, finding Moriarty sat in the master bedroom.

"Merry Christmas." He looked up at me with a smile and I swallowed nervously.
"I've missed you, my Tiger."

"You said that last time before you locked me up and tortured me." I replied dryly, making him giggle.

"No, no. None of that this time, I'm afraid." He grinned.
"It's Christmas, Y/N! I got you a present! You're going to like it."

"Really?" I asked, not believing a word he was saying.
He nodded excitedly, before whistling. I adjusted my hold on the gun, making Jim laugh.

"You won't need that." He promised, before a puppy ran into the room and I looked at him in surprise. The puppy was an Irish Setter and absolutely adorable.
"Told you."

"What is this?" I asked, kneeling down by the puppy, reading the tag on his collar.
"Redbeard? Like... the pirate?"

"Exactly like the pirate." Moriarty grinned.
"Sherlock will get the joke."

"Sherlock isn't coming." I stood up properly and Jim threw me a dog lead.

"I know. But he's your boyfriend. I'm sure you'll see him when you get home." I looked at the lead, before hesitantly attaching it to Redbeard's collar.
"So... what did you get me for Christmas?"

"How about a bullet between the eyes?" I asked, making him laugh.

"You wouldn't. Y/N, I know you. I know you better than Sherlock does, better than John does, better than Mycroft, or anyone. I'm the King and you're my Tiger." I raised the gun to his head.

"You want a bet?" I asked carefully and I took a shaky breath, but I couldn't shoot him.
"Jim, I loved you once, but I told you to stop. I told you not to take it too far, but you didn't listen. To me, you're already dead. You died 2 years ago on that rooftop."

"You took Sherlock from me." He glared at me, his tone suddenly much darker.
"You took away my clients, my connections. You took everything from me!" He yelled and I lowered the gun.
"And after everything what did I take from you?"

"If it weren't for you, my brother would be alive. It was your job that got him killed." I snapped back.

"Oh... Tiger." He tutted, shaking his head.
"If it weren't for me your brother and you would have stayed on the streets, but I'm going to let you in on a secret, because it's Christmas." He chuckled a little.
"Your big brother didn't die on a job."

"What?" He laughed a little.
"Yes, he did."

"No, he really didn't." Jim grinned at me.
"Sebby, why don't you come out and say hi to your sis." I sucked in a breath as the familiar man walked into the room, a gun in his hand.

"Sebastian..." I whispered in disbelief, almost dropping my gun. He looked almost exactly the same as when I saw him last all those years ago. He looked a little older, sure, but it was definitely him. It was definitely my brother.
"Jim, what the Hell?! You knew he was alive?"

"Of course I did!" Jim grinned, walking over to my twin brother, who had a cold look in his eyes.
"I really loved you, Y/N. I did. But I knew you'd betray me eventually. Sebastian would never do that." Jim took Sebastian's hand in his, before stepping on his tiptoes, pressing a kiss to Sebastian's cheek.
"Kill her."

"What?" Sebastian asked, seeming confused. The cold look in his eyes changed to confusion and hurt.
"I thought we agreed not to kill her?"

"Well, I changed my mind." Jim sighed impatiently.
"Kill her and let's go."

"Seb, it's me." I pleaded, not wanting to shoot him.
"Jim is insane, please don't make me kill both of you."

"He is insane, but I love him." Sebastian nodded, cocking his gun. I tried to move, but it was too late, a bullet burying itself in my torso. I stepped back as Jim grinned.

"I love you too, Sebby. Now finish this and we can go." He whispered loudly and my legs shook as I struggled to stay standing. I fired my gun twice before I could even register what I had done.
Both men dropped and I stepped forward, barely stopping myself from stumbling. Blood covered the floor, but neither of them were dead, not yet. I had shot Sebastian in the chest, in the heart, specifically, and I had shot Jim in the neck. He wasn't dead, but he was paralysed. Unable to move or speak as he slowly and painfully bled out.

"I'm sorry, Seb." I muttered, hearing a bang from downstairs.

"No, I'm sorry, N/N." Sebastian gasped out, before his eyes closed.

"No coming back this time." I muttered bitterly to Jim, giving him his promised Christmas present. A bullet between the eyes.
The door burst open and Lestrade looked at me with wide eyes. I dropped my gun, holding my arm out to him and he rushed over just before I could hit the ground.

"An ambulance is on its way. Just stay awake, okay?" I nodded my head, wincing in pain and he tried to lead me out of the room, but I stopped him.

"Get the dog." I muttered, leaning against the doorframe.

"What?" Lestrade asked in confusion.

"The dog. It stays with me."

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