Small Sneak Peek 1

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A small snip it of All is Fair in War and Love. The second book to The Black Blood Duology! (There will be three little sneak peeks I will give you before releasing the first chapter). :)



"So, what your saying is we have no idea who lives there?"

"That's exactly what I'm saying."

"Well, why didn't you get a closer look?"

"Obviously, Abel, because it didn't look safe. The entire place seemed like it was shrouded in mist, and I could hear the screams of all ages and genders from even miles away. The only thing I could clearly see was the tip of what looked to be a castle—"

"You heard screams, and yet you didn't notify us? What if people are in trouble? We could have called for backup—"

"No. I'm not going anywhere near that place again. You guys can continue your research, but I felt like my soul was getting shredded out of me the closer I traveled. I'm done. I quit."

At the sound of a door slamming shut, the two scientists look at one another, a solider wearing camouflage also looking towards them with a frown on his face.

"He saw something," the solider mumbles, earning the two women in lab coats to nod along.

"Something he shouldn't have seen. Maine isn't someone who gets easily shaken. He's especially not one who quits so early."

"What do you think he saw?"

"From the sounds of it, someone must have been killed. He said he heard screams, loud screams at that."

"He also said he saw a castle. The tip of one at least. Do you think we're dealing with some sort of monarchy cult?"

"Maybe one that worships something evil. Maine doesn't believe in souls, but he said he felt like his was being taken out of him?"

"Do you think that place was telling him to leave?"

"I don't know. But if it scared Maine off, we need to tread lightly. I would start the search, begin plan A. And whatever you do, do not be seen. Do not be noticed."

From his dreams, the brunette could hear the muddled sound of a woman trying to speak to him. She sounded scared, terrified, but Cailin was in a vast flower field, not able to see anyone else but the many miles of petals.

Which means, someone is in his room trying to wake him up.


The older boy turns around, confused as he stares at a large oak tree, the skies bright and clear, but his dream shudders.

"Hello?" He asks out loud, wondering why the voice sounds so familiar.

Who is trying to disturb me? Did Finley let them in?


The dream suddenly collapses from around him as the king wakes. In his room, Cailin's eyebrows furrow as he turns around in bed, still too tired and confused to open his eyes.


The woman's voice is so clear it causes the king to flinch in shock, eyes opening to see who it is.

Cailin's eyes then widen in fear, the ghastly pale face of Penelope staring back at him with her own eyes wide in terror, tears of blood racing down her cheeks. She wears a white gown that's covered in blood from the sword wound in her stomach.

"Cailin!" She shouts again, the king sitting up rapidly, blinking reflexively only for the nanny to be gone, and Finley to be in her place, calling to him with worried look.

"Cailin, wake up. I have an ice bath ready for you, you're running another fever."

The golden king stares at his lover with wide eyes, blinking to see if the nanny would reappear, but Finley stayed where he is, tilting his head with his godly beauty. "What's wrong? Are you okay? Did you have a nightmare?"

"I saw her," Cailin states immediately without thinking, making Finley's tilted head tilt even more.

The blonde's eyebrows furrow as his frown deepens. "Who? What are you talking about?"

Cailin hesitates, staring at his fiancée for seconds on end, making Finley more and more nervous. "Did you envision something again?"

Not sure whether Cailin should tell him, he turns his eyes to Finley's pale hands that lay against the golden bed sheets, slowly reaching over to grab them. "I don't know... I saw her so clearly..."

"Cay, you're the one scaring me for once. Who are you talking about—?"

"Penelope. And she's really scared."

All is Fair in War and Dragon Scales (UNREVISED)Where stories live. Discover now