The Vulture and his Raven Pt. 3

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"I want you out by the count of three," Cailin mumbles angrily and Aaron nods, earning a grin from the glowing eyed boy.

"And just so you know, we aren't friends. If I catch you anywhere near me, or Finley, you're dead."

Aaron nods again quickly and Cailin lets the spell go. "One."

Aaron is already out the door, calling for his other two people he came with. Once the front door shuts closed, Cailin's eyes snap back to normal, turning to Finley and racing over to him. Finley looks as though he's in pain, face red as he tries to get air into his lungs, Cailin catching him when his legs give out. They sit down on the floor together, Cailin bringing Finley close and hugging him lightly, rubbing his back and rocking back and forth.

"Breathe Finley, you're okay. Everything is alright now..." He whispers, eyes tearing up and the choked sob he hears from his friend, Sarah running into the room with eyes wide.

"Is he okay?!" She asks and Cailin turns to her.

"Get Penelope, now."

Sarah doesnt waste a second, running down the hall and shouting for Penelope who puts her paints down immediately, turning in her chair to face the frazzled seventh grader.

"What is it?" She asks immediately, already standing and running out the room with Sarah right on her heels.

"Finley! He's having a panic attack!"

Penelope turns to Sarah, taking her shoulders and leading her to the kitchen to sit her down, heart stuttering at the loud cry from the guest room. "Sit here, everything will be fine."

"Will he be okay?"

"He'll be okay, I'll promise. Wait here in case Christine needs to be let in."

"... Yes ma'am..."

With that, Penelope races into the guest room, closing the door behind her and running over, kneeling down next to the boys.

"What's happened?" She asks urgently, pulling her son's hair back so he doesn't feel so closed in, Finley breathing hard and shaking violently, tears running down his cheeks as he hangs onto Cailin's shirt like a lifeline.

Cailin swallows, shaking his head slowly and Penelope takes that as a really bad sign Finley turning to his mother and she quickly takes him into his arms Cailin sitting there with a pained expression, not knowing to do, but relieved when he hears Finley take a deep breath, finally calming down as Penelope slowly rubs circles onto his back, the door quietly opening to Christine and Sarah.

"Penelope, I think it would be best if Finley went back to his dorm..."

Penelope looks up at Christine with a pleading look, shaking her head. "No, please. Finley can't be alone right now. And I need to be somewhere now that... you're back..." She mumbles, earning a confused look from Sarah and Cailin, but Christine nods anyway.

"Okay..." She turns to Cailin who straightens on his spot on the floor. "You need to watch him then, Cay."

"I will."

Penelope slowly gets up, Finley still in her arms and begins to walk out of the room, Cailin standing up and following as well.

Penelope walks into Cailin's room, which use to hold Sarah's bed as well, but it was recently removed for privacy on both ends.

Penelope slowly lowers Finley onto the edge of the bed, getting back up as Finley chokes on more tears, holding onto his mothers dress. "No, please don't leave!" He shouts, wrapping his arms around Penelope's middle and crying silently.

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