The Vulture and his Raven Pt. 2

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The boys start their second month of Freshman year, and things have been going pretty smoothly for the most part. With researching more and more on Golden and Black Ridge, they're skills are getting more enhanced for magic.

Finley seems to be above his class, teaching himself spells from volumes of books from the library, just recently moving on to volume two.

Walking to the library and entering the big space, his eyes catch a familiar face turning the corner.

He grins, beginning to walk quickly down the aisles and turning down right to see Myles with his head down in a book.

"Hello Myles," Finley states carefully, making the mute look up and give a small smile before turning back to his book.

Finley makes his way down the aisle, sitting on the floor next to his friend and looking over his shoulder. "What are you reading?" He asks and Myles hesitates before turning the book over so the blonde can read the cover and he grins excitedly.

"That's the book all teens get if they're going into the nanny program. So you've decided you want to take care of children?" He asks and Myles grins lightly with a small nod of his head.

Finley leans back before snapping his fingers, an idea popping into his head. "You know, the librarian around here is also a nanny. Unfortunately he doesn't have his own child yet, but I bet you could get some tips from him."

Myles looks a little hesitant before Finley calls for Stephen who appears not more than five seconds later.

"Can I help you boys?" He asks as he comes over to stand over them and Finley smiles cutely.

"Myles here is thinking about going into the nanny program, he wants to help with children with disabilities."

Stephen's eyes go wide as he turns to look at the other boy who doesn't look up to meet his eyes. "Really? Are sure about this, you're quite young to be thinking about it now."

Myles glances up at the librarian, not speaking and Finley hesitates. "He doesn't speak. He knows sign language though."

The librarian now looks interested as he grins lightly at the teen, kneeling down and Finley watches in confusion as Stephen signs something to Myles, who immediately perks up and signs rapidly back, making Stephen chuckle and stand back up.

"I would love to teach you some things so you're ready when you begin your classes if that's what you would like to do."

Myles nods slowly and Stephen grins. "Well alright then. The library closes at seven in the afternoons, you can come by then."

The younger boy nods again and with that, Stephen bids his goodbyes and Finley watches him walk away with awe.

"... He's great isn't he..." The blonde mumbles, not knowing he said that out loud and Myles slowly looks over at him, raising an eyebrow and Finley pinks.

He shakes his head rapidly. "Not that he's amazing! I just meant that he's really kind and... considerate! For helping you out with something... that you want to do when you're older..." He falters, making Myles smile teasingly and the other boy rolls his eyes with a groan.

"You're just like Cailin sometimes..." He mutters, upset and Myles simply pats his shoulder before turning back to his book and Finley grabs the volume two of the spell work, both boys learning quietly.
"You know that boy? The one you're always with? He's always coming over here late at night to hop on my back and ride me around the pasture!" David, one of the horses complains as Finley sits in the middle of the barn, bunnies and some chickens sitting around him with Talia, a brown bunny in his lap.

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