The Eagle and the Falcon Pt. 2

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"How was your day today, Cailin?"

The two families sit at the dinner table, Finley swaying slightly as he sits next to his best friend, looking a little green from all the smells around him. Sarah sits on the other side next to Christine, Penelope at the head of the table as they pass around bread.

Cailin shrugs his shoulders, putting a hand on Finley's shoulder to stop him from swaying. "Okay I guess. Math is hard."

Christine grins, nodding and Sarah chokes on her bread, talking with her mouth full excitedly. "Math is great!" She shouts, earning a glare from Christine and she backs down, smiling shyly.

Cailin rolls his eyes, not understanding how his little sister can be so excited about going to school. The only class he really likes is when he learns about the dragon he'll be getting in years to come.

Finley begins to dissociate again, eyes glazing over and pupils wide as he stares at the food on his plate.

"Fin, you need to at least eat a little bit, honey," Penelope states but Finley doesn't hear her, staring at seemingly nothing and Penelope swallows, eyes tearing up and Christine places a hand on hers.

"We'll figure this out, Penelope. Things will turn around."

Penelope gives her a grateful look, clearing her throat and nodding once. "I'm hopeful," she whispers, eyes looking back at her son fearfully, telling Cailin that she probably doesn't even believe that herself.

The next day is a Sunday, the nannies coming together again in the living room of Christine's dorm, while Sarah plays quietly in the guest room, Finley snuggled up in Cailin's and Cailin making some soup in the kitchen.

"Cay, what are you doing dear?" Penelope's voice calls over in the living room when she smells the familiar smell of chicken soup.

"I'm making Fin some lunch!" Cailin says back happily, turning around with the big gloves on so his hands don't get burned by the steaming bowl.

Penelope swallows. "Cailin dear, I don't think he's feeling up for food right now."

Christine smiles lightly at her son, finding it adorable on how hard Cailin seems to be working to make his friend feel better.

"Well there's no point in not trying, Penelope. Finley acts so much different around Cailin, let him try."

Penelope doesn't say anything, blue eyes glazing over with tears yet again as Christine looks back at her son and nods. "Go and try to get to him to eat, son. Don't spill it."

Cailin beams, quickly nodding and scurrying across the living room just when there's a knock at the door.

Penelope gets up, wiping away at her tears as Christine follows her towards the door, opening it to a frowning Ash and Ender with two Universe Dragons that changed their size to match the regular human height.

Penelope sighs.

"Fin? Are you asleep?" Cailin asks in a whispered tone as he closes the door behind him, and Finley groans.


Cailin grins at this, slightly skipping over to the bed and sitting down at the edge of it. "I brought you food!"

Finley turns his head towards Cailin, skin pale and the bags under his eyes dark. He's shivering, Cailin notices, his smile fading when Finley doesn't give him a smile back.

"I really don't want food right now, Cay," Finley whispers, eyes shutting as a wave of nausea crosses over Finley's stomach.

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