The Eagle and the Falcon Pt. 6

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The gala was already beginning when Cailin and Finley enter with Penelope with them.

For today, the KSDL uses the biggest ballroom they have. The large room is painted in gold, the floors so shiny Finley can look down and see himself.

A band plays jazzy music up on the stage, people dancing and mulling around, drinking or the kids eating desserts.

There are doors that lead out onto balconies, where the cool air splays inside with the slight humidity of summer winds.

"You two stay together okay? I'm getting myself a drink," Penelope tells the boys who both nod, eyes wide as they still try to take in the golden pristine room.

Penelope smiles down at her boys before slowly walking off, greeting other nannies that walk by in fashionable dresses or tuxedo's.

Finley turns to Cailin who meets his eyes. "So... what do you really do in gala's?" He asks and Cailin grins with a shrug.

"Who knows? This is the first one i've been too as well. I mean, we could dance-"

"I'm hungry," Finley interrupts when he feels his stomach rumbling, taking a look around to find the dessert table and Cailin chuckles.

"Alright, then let's go and get food."

Finley takes Cailin's wrist, pulling him over to the table which isn't so much of a struggle at the moment.

The gala only started a couple of minutes ago, and people from the school are still milling in. People from Gillian still haven't arrived, from what Cailin can tell, and he's not looking forward too it.

He watches, amused as Finley grabs a plate and piles a bunch of chocolate treats on top of each other, not hesitating to drip fruits into the chocolate fountain, and getting two cupcakes.

"It's hard to imagine you ever not liking food," Cailin says, earning a smile from his friend.

"It's not like I didn't like food. I just couldn't eat it, and let's just say I hope I never stoop that low again. Food is too good not to eat."

Cailin rolls his eyes with a smile and tilts his head as Finley goes over to collect cookies. "Do you have enough there?"

"I'm getting some for you too. Come on, let's sit on the balcony."

Finley begins his slow trek to the balcony doors, holding his plate with two hands as he tries to balance everything.

Cailin follows him out the doors, waving to nanny Madeleine before sitting down next to his friend on a fluffy couch.

Finley sets the food down in between them, grabbing a chocolate covered strawberry and doing a miniature happy dance as he takes a bite.

Cailin laughs at him, taking a cookie and biting into it, slouching into the couch. He takes his wand out of his pocket, finding the pointy stick to be uncomfortable against his chest and sets it in his lap.

"How has school been for you? You haven't been skipping anymore," Cailin says and Finley grins at him.

"It's better. More bearable, and I have classes with you more. It's fun."

Cailin brightens, sitting up to look his friend in the eye. "Yeah? Is anyone giving you problems?"

Finley gives him a droll look. "Of course. Liz and all the other girls that think they know you still hate me. But there's nothing verbal, just glaring which I can take. They look hideous glaring, and I have to stop myself from laughing at them."

Cailin shakes his head with a laugh. "Yeah I can't do much about that."

"I'm not saying you have to anything. I can take it, as long as you stay by my side."

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